
This repository contains the Python code and results of the IRAP web scraping exercise. File descriptions are as follows

  • 1.irap_scrape extracts a collection of organization websites using a variety of Wikipedia "source" pages. The results are saved in output/candidate_organizations.csv.

  • visits the websites gathered in the first step and extracts information from the front page. Results are saved in output/candidate_organizations_tosearch.csv.

  • filters the list of scraped candidates based on the presence of keywords on the front page. Results are saved in output/preliminary_scraped_candidates.csv.

  • makes some manual adjustments to the dataset using information from manual_additions.csv. The final results are saved as output/scraped_candidates.csv.

  • extracts all hyperlinks from the Potential Certifiers - Advanced Manufacturing.docx document, visits those links, extracts text from the front page, and saves them as output/worddocorgs_tosearch.csv.

  • searches for the list of keywords and saves the results as `output/worddoc_candidates.csv".