
Camino-Messenger-Bot is designed to facilitate communication through various messaging platforms. The application is modularized into distinct components, each serving a specific purpose.


  1. Messenger

    • The Messenger component declares a decoupled messenger interface with the functionalities that include sending and receiving messages asynchronously.

    Currently, the only concrete implementation is the matrix-messenger, which utilizes the Mautrix Golang SDK for the Matrix client. Note that the mautrix dependency requires the olm C library during both build time and runtime.

  2. Message Processor

    • The Message Processor utilizes the Messenger to receive and process messages.
  3. gRPC Server

    • This component acts as a Message Request gateway, accepting protobuf messages. These requests are then forwarded to the Message Processor.
  4. gRPC Client

    • The gRPC Client communicates with a middleware or "partner-plugin" via gRPC, exchanging protobuf messages. The middleware handles necessary conversions and interacts with the external system of the partner. It's important to note that the middleware is not part of this application.


This application depends on the camino-messenger-protocol, which is a separate repository. The protocol defines the protobuf messages and services used for communication between the gRPC server and client.

Version used: release-2

Examples and Docker Support

The repository includes examples demonstrating the setup of gRPC servers and clients under the examples folder. Additionally, Dockerfiles and a docker-compose.yml file are provided to simplify the deployment of a provider, distributor bot, and a partner plugin application that mocks responses.

Getting Started

Install required olm library

Certainly! The installation of the olm library may vary depending on the operating system. Here are instructions for Linux (Debian and Ubuntu) and Windows:

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

  1. Update Package Lists:

    sudo apt update
  2. Install Dependencies:

    sudo apt install -y libolm-dev


  1. Install Homebrew: If you don't have Homebrew installed, you can install it by following the instructions on

  2. Update Homebrew:

    brew update
  3. Install libolm:

    brew install libolm

Verify Installation

After installing olm, you can verify its installation by checking the library version:

olm --version

This command should print the installed olm version.

Note: The provided instructions assume a certain level of system familiarity. Adjustments might be necessary based on your specific setup or if you encounter any issues during the installation process.


go build -o bot cmd/camino-messenger-bot/main.go

Create Configuration

Create a configuration YAML file based on the provided example "camino-messenger-bot.yaml.example".

Start the Application

./bot --config camino-messenger-bot.yaml

Feel free to explore and customize the application based on your specific requirements. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please refer to the documentation or open an issue in the repository.