
Code for my "Algorithm Animation" series

Primary LanguageJava

Algorithm Animation

Quick sort animation

Quick sort animation

Algorithm Animation is a Java-based algorithm animation generator that can create videos for a wide range of algorithms, including sorting, graph search, Monte Carlo simulations, Fourier transforms, and the Tower of Hanoi.

The hywt.algo.animation.AnimationGen class is used to generate animations, and each animation generator extends this class. To generate an animation for a specific algorithm, users need to create an instance of the corresponding AnimationGen class in the hywt.algo.Main class.

To generate the animations, users need to install ffmpeg on their system.

If the user is not familiar with Java, they can use the GUI to select the animation they want to watch. However, if they want to support video saving, they still need to start from Main. In addition, if they want to modify the animation effects, they must modify the specific AnimationGen code.

AnimationGen Classes

Class Name Description
BubbleSort Bubble sort algorithm.
SelectionSort Selection sort algorithm.
QuickSort Quick sort algorithm.
MergeSort Merge sort algorithm.
RadixSort Radix sort algorithm.
StoogeSort Stooge sort algorithm.
SlowSort Slow sort algorithm.
BogoSort Bogo sort algorithm.
InsertionSort Insertion sort algorithm.
Hanoi Tower of Hanoi puzzle.
Sudoku Sudoku puzzle.
BFS Breadth-first search algorithm.
RecursiveSplitGenerator Recursive split generator algorithm.
DFS Depth-first search algorithm.
BestFS Best-first search algorithm.
MonetPi Monte Carlo simulation of pi.
LangtonsAnt Langton's ant on a grid.
NormalDistribution Normal distribution.
AnimationTest Animation test.
FunctionGraph Function graphing.
DrawText Text drawing.
Clock Clock.
AllSortings All the sorting algorithms.
GenAndSearch Generation and search.
Astar A* search algorithm.
FFT Fast Fourier transform.