
C# Library to read and write pdf's, like ITextSharp, but free

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

LGPL C# library to read and write pdf's, like ITextSharp, but free.

Very alpha version, doesn't fully implement Pdf standard. Please report any problem found.


  • Pages
  • Text
  • Images
  • Base fonts
  • TrueType fonts
  • TrueType fonts subsetting



Support for positioning, rotating and set text.

crcPdf pdf = new crcPdf();
     .SetFont("Times roman", 12, false, false)
     .SetPosition(10, 15)
     .AddLabel("Hello World"); 	

Basic fonts

Support for pdf base fonts: Time new Roman, Courier, Helvetica, ZapfDingbats and Symbols. Any of those fonts are already included in any Pdf reader.

crcPdf pdf = new crcPdf();
     .SetFont("Times roman", 12, false, false)
     .SetPosition(10, 15)
     .AddLabel("Hello World"); 	

TrueType fonts

Library can read and use ttf fonts located with the application or in typical OS forldes. For speed considerations, the filename of the font must be used.

crcPdf pdf = new crcPdf();
     .SetFont("OpenSans-Regular", 12)
     .SetPosition(10, 15)
     .AddLabel("Hello World"); 	

TrueType subsetings / embedding fonts

Maybe you want to include the font inside the Pdf or you want to use unicode characters, so the font must be included inside the Pdf:

crcPdf pdf = new crcPdf();
     .SetFont("OpenSans-Regular", 12, Embedded.Yes)
     .SetPosition(10, 15)
     .AddLabel("Α α:Alpha. Β β: Beta. Γ γ: Gamma. Δ δ: Delta"); 	


Includes an image.

crcPdf pdf = new crcPdf();
                             // widh, 0, 0, height, X, Y
    .CurrentTransformationMatrix(300, 0, 0, 500, 50, 100)

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