
ERROR::Sick thread exception

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When I am trying to get the laser data from PLS100-112 facing a small issue regarding its configuration.g
it shows the following error and exception.

ERROR: config exception - SICK::PLS::_swicthSickOperatingmode: configuration request failed!
ERROR: config exception - SickBuffermonitor::AquireDataStream:pthread_mutex_lock() failed.

please need an help to fix this issue.

I'm afraid I haven't looked at this code for many years and don't have access to a PLS to test anything, so I can't answer this. My hunch for these things is to first check you have permissions to read/write from the relevant device.

Thank you hawesie. I have read and write permission in this device. Thing is this device gives me the correct data for the first 1 minute or so and then stops streaming. On the sick pls scanner yellow LED starts blinking that is when this scanner stops giving me the data.

After streaming for 1 minute, the following error pops up " A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_recvMessage: Timeout Occurred An error occurred!"

Any inputs from your side? Thanks in advance

Sorry, that doesn't sound like something I remember.