
Simple Flask REST API example

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Flask REST API to store, fetch, and update user/group records. Based off of specifications in code_test. Uses SQLite as its datastore. Written/tested with python 2.7.


After cloning the repository into a virtualenv, change into the project's root directory and install the requirements with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The database can be initialized in the project's root, and an initial migration run, using:

python manage.py deploy

You're all set.

Testing and Running the Dev Server

To verify your installation, the unit tests can be run using:

python manage.py test

The local web server can be run, on http://localhost:5000, using:

python manage.py runserver

API Overview

Note: in this implemenation, a user only requires the userid field, and a group the name field.

GET /users/<userid>

Returns JSON object. Succesful responses will return user representation inside the result attribute. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute.

POST /users

Expects user information, with the following fields:

    "first_name": "Joe",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "userid": "jsmith",
    "groups": ["admins", "users"]

Accepts either a JSON payload, in the format above, or standard form data. userid is required. Succesful responses will return {"result": true}. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute.

PUT /users/<userid>

Expects user information, with the following fields:

    "first_name": "Joe",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "groups": ["admins", "users"]

Accepts either a JSON payload, in the format above, or standard form data. Replaces current user info with new data. Succesful responses will return {"result": true}. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute. Will return 404 if user doesn't already exist.

DELETE /users/<userid>

Succesful responses will return {"result": true}. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute. Will return 404 if user doesn't already exist.

GET /groups/<group name>

Returns JSON object. Succesful responses will return a list of userid's inside the result attribute. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute.

POST /groups

Expects group information, with the following fields:

    "name": "admins"

Accepts either a JSON payload, in the format above, or standard form data. name is required. Succesful responses will return {"result": true}. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute.

PUT /groups/<group name>

Expects a list of userids:

    "userids": ["jsmith"]

Accepts either a JSON payload, in the format above, or standard form data. userids is required. Replaces current users with the new list. Succesful responses will return {"result": true}. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute. Will return 404 if group doesn't already exist.

DELETE /groups/<group name>

Succesful responses will return {"result": true}. Non 200 responses will contain an error attribute. Will return 404 if group doesn't already exist.