
Just random scripts that can be useful with jellyfin development.



These are not very sophisticated scripts and therefore I want to grant you maximum flexibility with them. :)

This script is intended to help rebase your branch after jellyfin is minified. Make sure to edit the varibles in the script before you run it, and that you also read and understand it. I can't make any guarantees, so take backups if you are unsure.

quick backup snippet: tar -cvf ../jellyfin-git-backup-2019-01.tar .git. Wherever this resulting tar file is untarred, will become a git directory for jellyfin. So imagine if you come back later and need your backup: mkdir jellyfin-old; tar -xvf jellyfin-git-backup-2019.01.tar -C jellyfin-old

Varibles it takes are:

  • BRANCH - branch that you want to rebase
  • NEWBRANCH - branch that this script will create which will be rebased
  • OLDDEST - old dev branch, i.e. the big upstream branch
  • NEWDEST - new dev branch, i.e. the small upstream branch

NEWDEST is upstream/master.

OLDDEST is probably dev or origin/dev (the old dev branch).

OLDDEST is origin/dev since you probably didn't delete it yet. In an emergency, I have an olddev branch in my fork :)

This script tries to install ffmpeg 4.0.3 with nvenc/nvdec/vaapi in /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg. It will clone some repos to /usr/src and do some magic.

However, it's only tested on debian stretch and will probably break on whatever distro you are using. If you can tell me what you had to change to make it work, I can try to accommodate this :)

Should be relatively safe to run but it might install a ton of dependencies without asking you. Remove the -v in apt-get install if this is concerning :P

Important: On the box that is going to run this, you also need to apt-get install libnvcuvid1, libnvidia-encode1. Otherwise ffmpeg will not be able to use the nvidia hardware encoding.

You also need to get the nvidia 390.x driver from backports. I wasn't able to get the 380-series driver to work. A trick to avoid hell here seems to be apt-get -t stretch-backports install nvidia-driver libnvcuvid1 libnvidia-encode1

And you need this since nvidia are such bitches