
Text drawing script for /r/place, the reddit april fools experiment for 2017

Primary LanguagePython

The line fork -- draw lines down

Made for the brown ladder


Script for /r/place, the reddit april fools experiment for 2017.

It can draw text on the canvas, and it automatically detects portions already drawn, so you can start and stop it at will.
You can also run it in a loop to protect text already drawn (it will fix any corruptions without wasting time on repainting already correct pixels).

Pull requests welcome!


  1. Install requests (pip3 install requests pillow toml)
  2. Edit config.toml with your credentials and drawing settings.
  3. Run placr.py


requests, pillow, toml


  • Text drawing
  • Padding around text
  • Lazy background drawing (optional)
  • Multiple account support
  • Border around text
  • Color filling
  • Image drawing


The FontStruction “3 by 5 Pixel Font” (https://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/716744) by “asciimario” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).