
My messy as hell dotfiles from over the years

Primary LanguageShell


My messy as hell dotfiles I've slapped together over the years. Not usually very generic, tailored to my individual machines, so this really shouldn't be open source. But I like a thing or two about it, so here we are!

Take what you like or throw tomatoes at what you don't. There's plenty of popcorn to go around.

Notable things

TODO. Hehe 🙂

  • Auto update every 7 days
    • Configurable via $UPDATE_DOTFILES_DAY - set this to some number in your zsh/config
  • dadjoke in zsh/aliases:
    • Gives you a random dadjoke every time you open a shell
      < A bartender broke up with her boyfriend, but he kept asking her for another shot. >
             |o_o |
             |:_/ |
            //   \ \
           (|     | )
          /'\_   _/`\


To install these, I include a simple install.sh script to just symlink them to your home directory:


Other things you need include:

  • vundle
  • rvm
  • oh-my-zsh
  • node
  • rustup
  • npm i -g cowsay

And I warned you that I didn't tailor these dotfiles for anyone but me - so unless you go by hawkins, you're gonna have a bad time. Go make yourself a mimosa and get crackin' on a find-and-replace throughout a few places:

  • gitconfig: email = hawkins@users.noreply.github.com
  • gitconfig: name = Josh Hawkins
  • zsh/aliases: tdnotes="vim /Users/hawkins/Documents/notes.txt"
  • zsh/config: PATH=...
  • update.sh: Banner printed on update (see comment there)
  • vimrc: Various paths
  • There might be more but frankly I'll probably be Josh Hawkins for a very very long time so I'm not going to keep this list up to date, so you can just sip on that mimosa and run grep hawkins -r *