
A 'Bootiful' approach to run Mule 4 embedded into a Spring Boot application.

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Spring Boot Starter for Mule 4

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A 'Bootiful' approach to run Mule 4 embedded into a Spring Boot application.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


The goal of this starter is to join Mule's productivity with the Spring Boot ecosystem.

This will allow you to build highly productive and easily scalable systems with very interesting features:

  • Mule Runtime monitoring with Spring Boot Admin:
    • Easy loglevel management
    • Follow and download logfile
    • JVM & memory metrics
    • Interact with JMX-beans
    • Show health status
    • ...
  • Manage Mule artifacts (applications/domains), exposing Mule deployment services through Spring Boot REST controllers, as a stand-alone instance.
  • Easy deployment of Mule applications as micro-services on Kubernetes or another container management platform.
  • Deploy Mule artifacts stored in an external repository, see mule.apps and mule.domains properties in Configuration section.
  • Improve CI/CD, building docker images within seconds containing the latest Mule Runtime version and deploying your Mule Applications on a container management platform, for example Kubernetes, to test integrations before deploying them to production.
  • ...


The main dependency is JDK 8+. Tested with:

  • JDK 8, JDK 9, JDK 10 and JDK 11 on Linux/Mac/Windows
  • Spring Boot 2.1.0+
  • Mule Runtime 4.2.1-4.5.3


Add Spring Boot starter for Mule 4 dependency to your Spring Boot application's pom.xml file:

  • For Mule 4 CE Runtime (Community Edition, a.k.a. Kernel):

  • For Mule 4 EE Runtime (Enterprise Edition):


Mule Runtime versions

This starter will add Mule Runtime dependencies to your Spring Boot application using Mule Runtime BOM (Bill Of Materials) specified by mandatory -D command line argument mule.bom.version at build time, for example, to embed Mule Runtime 4.2.1 just run mvn clean package -Dmule.bom.version=4.2.1.

Check available Mule Runtime CE BOM versions at MuleSoft's public maven repository.

Take a look at spring-boot-mule4-runtime-ce sample project (Mule Runtime CE 4.5.0).

Take a look at spring-boot-mule4-runtime-ee sample project (Mule Runtime EE 4.5.3).

Expose deployment services

Deployment services will allow you to manage Mule artifacts on a running spring-boot embedded Mule 4 Runtime:

  • Deploy/un-deploy Mule Applications.
  • Deploy/un-deploy Mule Domains.
  • List deployed Mule Applications.
  • List deployed Mule Domains.

To expose Mule 4 Runtime deployment services add @EnableSpringMuleRuntimeDeploymentServices annotation:

public class SpringBootEmbeddedMuleRuntime {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(SpringBootEmbeddedMuleRuntime.class);


Check org.hawkore.springframework.boot.mule.controller.MuleRuntimeDeploymentServices implementation for more details.

Securing Deployment Services

Since there are several approaches on solving authentication and authorization in distributed web applications this starter doesn’t ship a default one.

A Spring Security configuration for deployment services could look like this:

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class SecuritySecureConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private int serverPort;

    private RequestMatcher forPortAndPath(final int port, final String pathPattern) {
        return new AndRequestMatcher(forPort(port), new AntPathRequestMatcher(pathPattern));
    private RequestMatcher forPortAndPath(final int port, final HttpMethod method, final String pathPattern) {
        return new AndRequestMatcher(forPort(port), new AntPathRequestMatcher(pathPattern, method.name()));
    private RequestMatcher forPort(final int port) {
        return (HttpServletRequest request) -> port == request.getLocalPort();

  protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

        (authorizeRequests) -> authorizeRequests.requestMatchers(forPortAndPath(serverPort, "/mule/**")).authenticated().anyRequest().denyAll()

See also Securing Client Actuator Endpoints.

Simple usage example

Take a look at usage example to see how easy it is to run Mule 4 as a spring-boot application, and monitor it with Spring Boot Admin.

Kubernetes deployment example

Take a look at the example of distributed computation with Mule 4 and Kubernetes



The additional configuration of this starter can be provided by configuration properties - the Spring Boot way. All configuration properties start with mule. Below is a list of the main supported properties:

Property Values Default value
mule.base the mule's base folder (required)
mule.lazyInitializationEnabled true, false false
mule.xmlValidationsEnabled true, false true
mule.lazyConnectionsEnabled true, false true
mule.simpleLog true, false true
mule.cleanStartup true, false false
mule.domains comma separated mule domain file(s) to be deployed at startup
mule.apps comma separated mule application file(s) to be deployed at startup
mule.patches list of patches' names for Mule Runtime with high load priority
mule.patchesPrefix list of patch name prefixes for auto-load patches MULE-,SE-
mule.autoLoadPatches true, false true
mule.autoDeployArtifacts true, false true
mule.serverPlugins comma separated mule server plugins file(s) to be installed at startup
  • mule.cleanStartup will clean deployed apps and domains folders before starting Mule Runtime, this is useful to deploy Mule Runtime with your "updatable" Mule application as a micro-service.

  • mule.autoLoadPatches will auto-load MULE PATCHES (dependencies starting with provided patches prefixes) into high priority classloader.

  • mule.autoDeployArtifacts will auto-deploy apps and domains found within classpath as resources.

  • mule.domains, mule.apps and mule.serverPlugins are loaded using Spring's ResourceLoader, so you must provide a valid URL format:

    Prefix Example Explanation
    classpath: classpath:com/myapp.jar Loaded from the classpath.
    file: file:/opt/shared/myapp.jar Loaded as a URL, from the filesystem.
    http: http://myserver/myapp.jar Loaded as a URL.

Check org.hawkore.springframework.boot.mule.config.MuleConfigProperties implementation for more details.

Help and troubleshooting

Build fails: mule-runtime-impl-bom not found when I try to package my Spring Boot application using starter-ce

For some Mule CE versions, MuleSoft does not release the Mule Runtime BOM to public maven repositories. To solve this:

  • Install Mule Runtime BOM into your local maven repository by yourself:

    1. Clone mule-distributions github project.

      git clone https://github.com/mulesoft/mule-distributions.git
    2. Checkout a specific Mule's Version, replace <tag_name> with Mule's Version you need, for example mule-4.2.2:

      cd mule-distributions
      git checkout <tag_name>
    3. Install mule-distribution parent pom:

      mvn clean install --non-recursive -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests=true -DskipVerifications=true -Prelease -DskipTests -DskipVerifications -DskipGpg -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
    4. Install mule-services-all pom:

      mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests=true -DskipVerifications=true -f services-all/pom.xml -Prelease -DskipTests -DskipVerifications -DskipGpg -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true 
    5. Install mule-bom pom:

      mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests=true -DskipVerifications=true -f bom/pom.xml -Prelease -DskipTests -DskipVerifications -DskipGpg -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true


Copyright 2020 HAWKORE, S.L.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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