6to5 browserify plugin
$ npm install --save-dev 6to5ify
$ browserify script.js -t 6to5ify --outfile bundle.js
var fs = require("fs");
var browserify = require("browserify");
var to5ify = require("6to5ify");
browserify({ debug: true })
.require("./script.js", { entry: true })
.on("error", function (err) { console.log("Error : " + err.message); })
blacklist: ["generators"]
$ browserify -d -e script.js -t [ 6to5ify --blacklist generators ]
By default all files with the extensions .js
, .es
, '.es6
and .jsx
are compiled.
You can change this by passing an array of extensions.
NOTE: This will override the default ones so if you want to use any of them you have to add them back.
extensions: [".6to5"]
$ browserify -d -e script.js -t [ 6to5ify --extensions .6to5 ]
Browserify passes an absolute path so there's no way to determine what folder
it's relative to. You can pass a relative path that'll be removed from the
absolute path with the sourceMapRelative
sourceMapRelative: "/Users/sebastian/Projects/my-cool-website/assets"
$ browserify -d -e script.js -t [ 6to5ify --sourceMapRelative . ]
// Optional ignore regex - if any filenames **do** match this regex then they
// aren't compiled
ignore: /regex/,
// Optional only regex - if any filenames **don't** match this regex then they
// aren't compiled
only: /my_es6_folder/
$ browserify -d -e script.js -t [ 6to5ify --ignore regex --only my_es6_folder ]