
Fork me to start the MakersBnB project!

Primary LanguageRuby

Stories in Ready Fork me to start this Project. Once done, submit a Pull Request.

User Stories

As a user,
so that I can promote my space,
I want to be able to list my space

As a user,
so I can effectively market my space,
I want to be able to add details of my space (name, description, price)

As a user,
so I can effectively advertise availability,
I want to be able to offer a range of available dates for my space

As a user who is requesting spaces,
so I can hire a space for a night,
I want to be able to request a space from the owner

As a user who owns a space,
so I can confidently confirm a booking,
I want to be able to approve requests from users for my space

As a user who is listing a space,
so I can avoid double booking,
I want booked nights for my space not to be available to book

As a user who is listing a space,
so I can get maximize the chances of a favorable booking,
I want my space to remain available until I confirm the booking

As a user,
so I can advertise more than one space,
I want to be able to list multiple spaces.

As a user,
so I can use the platform to list or hire,
I want to be able to sign up to makersbnb.

As a user,
so I can access my profile,
I want to be able to sign in

As a user,
so my account is secure,
I want to be able to sign out