
software requirements

  • git
  • maven
  • java 8

to build the project run

git clone
cd soundcloud-downloader

this will create which you can run using


when run without arguments it will print a little help message

Command          | Shortcut  | Required  | Argument  | Once  | Description
download         | dl        | true      | false     | false | resource(s) to download
threads          | t         | false     | false     | true  | specify amount of threads
directory        | dir       | false     | false     | true  | directory to save files

to download something simply use the -dl or --download arg followed by the soundcloud url, you can use this argument more than once

./ -dl

if you want to speed up the downloads or change the default download directory you can use --directory /path/to/dir or --threads 10 but be aware that to many threads will cause rate limit issues which are currently not handled properly