
πŸ§œπŸ½β€β™€οΈ a solution that make react hooks support mvvm and aims to separates UI from business logic and provide immutable data & global state management, memory management and persistent data management and providing intuitive API

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hooks-view-model is a solution that make react hooks support MVVM without introduce any third-party libriries and aims to separates UI from business logic and provide immutable data & global state management, memory management and persistent data management and provide intuitive API.

Using hooks-view-model will bring a lot of convenience as follows:

  • πŸ’Ό Provide global and local state management, without introducing reducer or redux and other state management solutions;
  • 🌲 Provide global cache and persistent data storage management;
  • 🎩 It can make the business code more organized, maintainable and testable, and the division of responsibilities is clearer.
  • 🍰 Effectively avoid the problem of too many states that need to be managed inside the component, and simplify the useState and setState writing methods in the form of objects.
  • 🍷 There is no need to care about hooks inside the class-based ViewModel, so you can focus more on business logic development.
  • πŸ‘‹ It can realize global data update and cross-component data transfer without useReducer or context
  • 🌲 Different stores are divided according to the key, the view component will not respond to the state changes of the unused stores, and the performance overhead can be canceled
  • 🍳 ViewModel will provide basic lifecycle functions, which is more convenient than useEffect to handle asynchronous functions
  • πŸ– ViewModel will automatically trigger memory recycling according to the life cycle of react hooks, and memory management is more efficient
  • πŸ₯’ No need to use useCallback to deal with component re-rendering problems caused by avoiding function reference changes.
  • 🍰 After calling the updater to update, the latest state value can be obtained synchronously
  • πŸ‘‹ It can realize fine-grained update of the attribute value of the object, and can realize immutable data

Comparison with hooks

hooks-view-model is mainly used to separate UI and business logic, which can solve some of the problems caused by the official react hooks.

hooks component issues hooks-view-model
Usually need to set multiple useStates, can't update property values at fine granularity Support update and deconstruct data by object form, support update property values at fine granularity
there is thinking burden while using useReducer+context to global shared state provide useGlobalState hooks to share global state, an intuitive api and simple to use
useEffect mock mounted lacks semantics, requesting asynchronous functions is troublesome Provides mounted and unmounted hooks, semantics friendly. Great for asynchronous processing
When the component reaches a certain complexity, the code piled up together will become more and more difficult to maintain UI and logic are well separated, code is well organized
The closure trap problem of React Hook Since the methods are maintained in the class, there is no such problem
useState can't get the latest state value after calling updater can get the latest value by calling getCurrentState.
useState updater can't implement fine-grained update object property value, need to overwrite after shallow copy object can use updateImmerState to implement fine-grained update
useState updater can't implement immutable data, even memo wrapped subcomponents will be re-rendered can implement immutable data by updateImmerState, won't re-render subcomponents


$ yarn add hooks-view-model

When to use this library

  1. When your business project is very complex, you need to consider separating UI and business logic
  2. When you are working in a team and you want to unify the team members in a consistent style
  3. When you want to solve the above hooks defects or confusion caused by closures in the project

When not to use this library

  1. If you don't interesting with the class style (try this one: use-better-state)
  2. Your project is a component library
  3. Your project has not involved in the complex business logic



// Counter.View.tsx
import { CounterViewModel } from './Counter.ViewModel'
import { useVM } from 'hooks-view-model'

const CounterView = () => {
  const {  useCurrentState, increment, changeUserAge } = useVM(CounterViewModel, {
    count: 0, // as props passed to CounterViewModel
  const { user , count } = useCurrentState({
    user: { name: 'nilu', age: 0}
  console.log('user', user);// {name: 'nilu', age: 10}
  return (
      <button onClick={increment}>click to count</button>
      <button onClick={changeUseAge}>click to change user age</button>


// Counter.ViewModel.ts
import  StoreViewModel from 'hooks-view-model'

class CounterViewModel extends StoreViewModel {
  increment = () => {
    const { count } = this.props;// access data from this.props that passed from useVM
    updateCurrentState({ count: count + 1 });
  changeUserAge = () => {
    this.updateImmerState((draft) => {
      draft.user.age = 10;
  mounted = async () => {
    await someAsyncRequest();// auto run just when componentDidMount
  unmounted = () => {
    window.removeEventListener('');// auto run just when componentWillUnmount
export { CounterViewModel } 

Generate template

you can generate project template by the following steps:

1、add generate scripts to package.json

scripts: {
  "generate": "plop --plopfile ./node_modules/hooks-view-model/generators/index.js"

2、create template.config.js to the root directory:

const dir_to_generate = './src/pages/';

module.exports = dir_to_generate;


For additional information, guides and api reference visit :

English Api docs | δΈ­ζ–‡Apiζ–‡ζ‘£

Q & A

for more question and answer, please visit Q & A