offers a CLI interface to the bcmp
crate to compare
binary files.
bcmp-lcs 0.1.0
Charles Hubain <github@haxelion.eu>
Find the longuest common substrings between the first and second file
bcmp lcs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <first_file> <second_file>
-h, --help Prints help information
-x Display a hexdump of every substring
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --algo <ALGO_SPEC> Sets the algorithm specification. A first letter indicates the
algorithm: either h for HashMatch or t for TreeMatch. A number
specifying the minimum match length follows it. Example: t1, h4, t7.
-n, --number <NUMBER> The number of longuest common substrings to display
<first_file> The first file to read data from
<second_file> The second file to read data from
bcmp-us 0.1.0
Charles Hubain <github@haxelion.eu>
Find the unique substrings of the second file not present in the first
bcmp us [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <first_file> <second_file>
-h, --help Prints help information
-x Display a hexdump of every substring
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --algo <ALGO_SPEC> Sets the algorithm specification. A first letter indicates the
algorithm: either h for HashMatch or t for TreeMatch. A number
specifying the minimum match length follows it. Example: t1, h4, t7.
-n, --number <NUMBER> The number of unique substrings to display
<first_file> The first file to read data from
<second_file> The second file to read data from
bcmp-ps 0.1.0
Charles Hubain <github@haxelion.eu>
Determine the patch set to build the second file from the first
bcmp ps [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <first_file> <second_file>
-h, --help Prints help information
-x Display a hexdump of every substring
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --algo <ALGO_SPEC> Sets the algorithm specification. A first letter indicates the
algorithm: either h for HashMatch or t for TreeMatch. A number
specifying the minimum match length follows it. Example: t1, h4, t7.
<first_file> The first file to read data from
<second_file> The second file to read data from