Serotonin - not/semi-jailbreak for iOS 16.2 - 16.6.1

How do I use it?

How is this done?

  • Replace launchd by searching through /sbin's vp_namecache, then find launchd's name cache and kwrite it with a patch to our patched launchd.
  • Better explanation from AlfieCG here
  • patched launchd hooks posix_spawnp of SpringBoard and execs our own SpringBoard with springboardhook.dylib
  • springboardhook loads in tweaks, ellekit, etc.
  • CoreTrust bug used to bypass codesigning and allow any binary to run with arbitrary entitlements
  • KFD / Any other kernel read/write bug to write to the name cache in the first place

Todo in the future

  • Try adding support for lower iOS versions by overwriting NSGetExecutablePath
  • Add support for arm64
  • Add a boot splash screen
  • Fix puaf_pages picker crash in new UI


  • hrtowii / sacrosanctuary - main dev
  • DuyKhanhTran - launchd and SpringBoard hooks
  • NSBedtime - initial launchdhax, helped out a ton!
  • AlfieCG - helped out a ton!
  • Nick Chan - helped out a ton!
  • BomberFish - main UI
  • haxi0 - initial logger
  • Evelyne for showing it was possible. I wouldn't have gotten motivated without that initial tweet lol