
🍟 Vexo is a Hexo theme inspired by Vue's official website.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vexo = Vue.js Style + Hexo

Vexo is a Hexo theme inspired by Vue.js official website.

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide



Live Example


  • Fully Responsive
  • Baidu Analytics
  • Youyan
  • Gitment
  • Share Qrcode
  • SEO
  • Immersive Status Bar
  • Article Catalog


  1. Download/Checkout this theme into your project

    cd your-hexo-folder
    git clone https://github.com/yanm1ng/hexo-theme-vexo.git themes/vexo
    cp -R themes/vexo/_source/* source/
  2. Update project _config.yml theme config, look like this

    themes: vexo

    Here theme's name must same as the theme folder name.

  3. Modify theme themes/vexo/_config.yml with your own info.

  4. That's all , hope you will like :)

Update Version

cd themes/vexo
git pull


The front-matter of a post looks like that:

title: "Hello World"
date: 2016-06-10 23:00
banner: your-banner-link.jpg
 - Movies
 - Life

Add this to the top of your article markdown file.

Change Log


  • Added article catalog
  • Fixed bugs


  • Added article custom banner
  • Fixed gitment error


  • Added image-zoom
  • Added project-link


  • Added image load onerror replace default image
  • Added page loading-bar
  • Fixed bugs


  • Added project page to show github project
  • Fixed share url error
  • Support markdown table & hr


  • Added personal link icons, support:
    • github
    • zhihu
    • twitter
    • weibo
  • Fixed bugs


  • Add personal about page
  • Replace font-family
  • Ignore text-autosizer/font-boosting on mobile-device
  • Fixed bugs


  • Added enter-out transition
  • Fixed bugs


  • Added archive page
  • Fixed HighLight code line-number bug
  • Adjust home post display problem
  • Thanks @ky0ncheng issue


1. Gitment

Vexo use Gitment as the third party discussion system.

You can easily complete your comment configuration by just adding your settings into _config.yml

# comment
# you can set utterances, gitment, uyan or disqus
comment: gitment

# Gitment
gitment_owner: yanm1ng
gitment_repo: yanm1ng.github.io

How to use Gitment? See

2. Utterances

You can also take Utterances as your comment system. It is a lightweight comments widget built on Github issues. You can easily configure which comment system you use in _config.yml of this theme.

# comment
# you can set utterances, gitment, uyan or disqus
comment: utterances

# utterances config
utterances_repo: # GitHubAccount/RepoForUtterances
utterances_issue_term: pathname 
utterances_theme: github-light

A simple introduction and guide for Utterances is Here.

Local Search (Search in the blog)

You can add local search engine in your blog. It requires hexo-generator-searchdb which can be installed with npm install hexo-generator-searchdb. The full instruction can be found Here.

After installing hexo-generator-searchdb, you can enable local search in _config.yml. It makes the search button visible at the right of the menu bar.

# Local Search Support
  enable: true


You can replace your own Alipay/Wechat qrcode in themes/source/css/images

Here the name must same as alipay.jpg or wechat.jpg.


You can easily add your social account by just adding your settings into _config.yml

# Links
weibo_username: your_weibo_account
twitter_username: your_twitter_account
github_username: your_github_account
zhihu_username: your_zhihu_account


  • Give a star if you like , fork or just clone to use , and also you can help me fix bugs and add new feature :)
  • If you have any problem or requirement , just open an issue here and i will help you.
  • Thanks to @imsun , @Evan You and @Hexo.