
Python MIDI library

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Python MIDI

Python, for all its amazing ability out of the box, does not provide you with an easy means to manipulate MIDI data. There are probably about ten different python packages out there that accomplish some part of this goal, but there is nothing that is totally comprehensive.

This toolkit aims to fulfil this goal. In particular, it strives to provide a high level framework that is independant of hardware. It tries to offer a reasonable object granularity to make MIDI streams a painless thing to manipulate, sequence, record, and playback. It's important to have a good concept of time, and the event framework provides automatic hooks so you don't have to calculate ticks to wall clock, for example.

This MIDI Python toolkit represents about two years of scattered work. If you are someone like me, who has spent a long time looking for a Python MIDI framework, than this might be a good fit. It's not perfect, but it has a large feature set to offer.


  • High level class types that represent individual MIDI events.
  • A multitrack aware container, that allows you to manage your MIDI events.
  • A tempo map that actively keeps track of tempo changes within a track.
  • A reader and writer, so you can read and write your MIDI tracks to disk.


Follow the normal procedure for Python module installation:

python setup.py install


If you use this toolkit under Linux, you can take advantage of ALSA's sequencer. There is a SWIG wrapper and a high level sequencer interface that hides the ALSA details as best it can. This sequencer understands the higher level Event framework, and will convert these Events to structures accessible to ALSA. It tries to do as much as the hardwork for you as possible, including adjusting the queue for tempo changes during playback. You can also record MIDI events, and with the right set of calls, the ALSA sequencer will timestamp your MIDI tracks at the moment the event triggers an OS hardware interrupt. The timing is extremely accurate, even though you are using Python to manage it.

I am extremely interested in supporting OS-X and Win32 sequencers as well, but I need platform mavens who can help me. Are you that person? Please contact me if you would like to help.

Example Scripts

To examine the contents of a MIDI file run

$ scripts/mididump mary.mid

This will print a histogram of the notes used in each track of the file and a representation of the commands executed.

To examine the hardware and software MIDI devices attached to your system, run

$ ./mididumphw
] client(20) "OP-1 Midi Device"
]   port(0) [r, w, sender, receiver] "OP-1 Midi Device MIDI 1"
] client(129) "__sequencer__"
] client(14) "Midi Through"
]   port(0) [r, w, sender, receiver] "Midi Through Port-0"
] client(0) "System"
]   port(1) [r, sender] "Announce"
]   port(0) [r, w, sender] "Timer"
] client(128) "FLUID Synth (6438)"
]   port(0) [w, receiver] "Synth input port (6438:0)"

In the case shown, qsynth is running (client 128), and a hardware synthesizer is attached via USB (client 20).

To play the example MIDI file, run

$ scripts/midiplay 128 0 mary.mid

Example Usage

WARNING! These examples are out of date.

For now, please see the examples in the scripts/ directory.

Building a track from scratch

Python 2.4.3 (#2, Apr 27 2006, 14:43:58)

[GCC 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import midi
>>> t = midi.new_stream(resolution=120, tempo=200)
>>> print t
<midi.midi.EventStream object at 0xb7d8bfcc>
>>> print x.resolution
>>> t.textdump()
End of Track @0 0ms C0 T0
Set Tempo @0 0ms C0 T0 [ mpqn: 300000 tempo: 200 ]

new_stream() builds a midi.StreamEvent object, and it creates a tempo event in that stream at tick 0, hence the @0. C0 means channel 0, which can go as high as 15. T0 means track 0, which can go as high as 256 (i think). 0ms and @0 means the same thing. @0 is the tick time, and 0ms means it occurs at 0milliseconds after playback starts, what I refer to as wall clock.

Side Note: What is a MIDI Tick?

The problem with ticks is that they don't give you any information about when they occur without knowing two other pieces of information, the resolution, and the tempo. The code handles these issues for you so all you have to do is think about things in terms of ms, or ticks, if you care about the beat.

A tick represents the lowest level resolution of a MIDI track. Tempo is always analogous with Beats per Minute (BPM) which is the same thing as Quarter notes per Minute (QPM). The Resolution is also known as the Pulses per Quarter note (PPQ). It analogous to Ticks per Beat (TPM).

Tempo is set by two things. First, a saved MIDI file encodes an initial Resolution and Tempo. You use these values to initialize the sequencer timer. The Resolution should be considered static to a track, as well as the sequencer. During MIDI playback, the MIDI file may have encoded sequenced (that is, timed) Tempo change events. These events will modulate the Tempo at the time they specify. The Resolution, however, can not change from its initial value during playback.

Under the hood, MIDI represents Tempo in microseconds. In other words, you convert Tempo to Microseconds per Beat. If the Tempo was 120 BPM, the python code to convert to microseconds looks like this:

>>> 60 * 1000000 / 120

This says the Tempo is 500,000 microseconds per beat. This, in combination with the Resolution, will allow you to convert ticks to time. If there are 500,000 microseconds per beat, and if the Resolution is 1,000 than one tick is how much time?

>>> 500000 / 1000
>>> 500 / 1000000.0

In other words, one tick represents .0005 seconds of time or half a millisecond. Increase the Resolution and this number gets smaller, the inverse as the Resolution gets smaller. Same for Tempo.

Although MIDI encodes Time Signatures, it has no impact on the Tempo. However, here is a quick refresher on Time Signatures:


Creating Note On / Note Off Events

A Note On Event specifies a few things:

  • pitch: a value between 0 and 127
  • velocity: a value representing the force you hit the key
(on a piano, for example), between 0 and 127
  • tick: when the event occurred
  • channel: MIDI supports up to 16 channels on one bus, value between 0 and 15
Here is how you would build this:

>>> on = midi.NoteOnEvent()
>>> on.channel = 2
>>> on.pitch = midi.G_3
>>> on.velocity = 100
>>> on.tick = 200
>>> print on
Note On @200 0ms C2 T0 [ G-3(43) 100 ]

The tick time is set, but the wall clock time in milliseconds is not. That's because we need a tempo first, and for that, we need to add the event to a track.

>>> t.add_event(on)
>>> t.textdump()
End of Track @201 502ms C0 T0
Set Tempo @0 0ms C0 T0 [ mpqn: 300000 tempo: 200 ]
Note On @200 500ms C2 T0 [ G-3(43) 100 ]

With the context of a tempo, the wall clock time can be calculated. The tracking code also maintains a singleton EndOfTrackEvent. You can always get at this event using:

>>> t.endoftrack
<midi.midi.EndOfTrackEvent object at 0xb7d9220c>
>>> print t.endoftrack
End of Track @201 502ms C0 T0

This allows you to easily predict how long a song will take to completely playback, event wise (ignoring issues of sustain, for example).

If you look at the source to midi.py, you will notice it builds a bunch of constants in the beginning. These allow you to specify notes using a more familiar notation, like G_3, or As_7 or Db_2. A warning, however. Even though the pitch will always be the correct key, it might not be in the correct octave. In other words, I enumerate the octave numbers from 0 up. some software starts at -2 or -3, and only go as high as 8 or 7. There is no agreement on how to enumerate the octaves because the MIDI specification doesn't say anything about octave number. It only specifies the value for middle C.

Writing our Track to Disk

It's easy to save your work, using the helper function provided by the midi module.

>>> midi.write_midifile(t, "first.mid")

Reading our Track back from Disk

It's just as easy to load your MIDI file from disk.

>>> z = midi.read_midifile("first.mid")
>>> z.textdump()
End of Track @202 505ms C0 T0
Set Tempo @0 0ms C0 T0 [ mpqn: 300000 tempo: 200 ]
Note On @200 500ms C2 T0 [ G-3(43) 100 ]

Using the ALSA Sequencer

The ALSA sequencer module is a relatively new addition, and works well, but may change over time to accommodate future sequencer platforms. I tried to make it as feature complete as possible, and it does some power stuff. For example, you can enumerate your MIDI hardware using the "HardwareSequencer"

>>> import midi.sequencer as sequencer
>>> s = sequencer.SequencerHardware()
>>> print s
] client(129) "__sequencer__"
] client(64) "EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)"
]   port(0) [r, w, sender, receiver] "EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)"
] client(0) "System"
]   port(1) [r, sender] "Announce"
]   port(0) [r, w, sender] "Timer"
] client(65) "Emu10k1 WaveTable"
]   port(3) [w, receiver] "Emu10k1 Port 3"
]   port(2) [w, receiver] "Emu10k1 Port 2"
]   port(1) [w, receiver] "Emu10k1 Port 1"
]   port(0) [w, receiver] "Emu10k1 Port 0"
] client(63) "OSS sequencer"
]   port(0) [w] "Receiver"
] client(62) "Midi Through"
]   port(0) [r, w, sender, receiver] "Midi Through Port-0"

This allows you to look up client numbers and ports using it's lookup methods:

>>> s["EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)"].client
>>> s["EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)"]["EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)"].port

Using these numbers, you can open a SequencerWriter()

>>> client_name = 'EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)'
>>> port_name = 'EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)'
>>> hardware = sequencer.SequencerHardware()
>>> client, port = hardware.get_client_and_port(client_name, port_name)
>>> s = sequencer.SequencerWrite(sequencer_resolution=120)
>>> s.subscribe_port(client, port)

And now you can start writing events, using iterevents() from the track and event_write() from the sequencer:

def play(stream, client, port):
    ppq = self.stream.resolution
    seq = sequencer.SequencerWrite(sequencer_resolution=ppq)
    seq.subscribe_port(client, port)
    start = time.time()
    for event in stream.iterevents():
        ret = seq.event_write(event, tick=True)
    now = time.time()
    eot = stream.endoftrack
    songlen = eot.msdelay / 1000.0
    remainder = (start + songlen) - now
    time.sleep(remainder + .5)

Reading events is not much different, except you would use seq.event_read(). There is also a polling interface, and the option to set all of this to non blocking. Finally, there is a Duplex sequencer, that allows you to read and write your queue at the same time. This is good for maintaining a metronome, for example, that is tick for tick the same as the input you would be receiving.

Website, support, bug tracking, development etc.

You can find the latest code on the homepage: https://github.com/vishnubob/python-midi/

You can also check for known issues and submit new ones to the tracker: https://github.com/vishnubob/python-midi/issues/


I originally wrote this to drive the electro-mechanical instruments of Ensemble Robot, which is a boston based group of artists, programmers, and engineers. This API, however, has applications beyond controlling this equipment. For more information about Ensemble Robot, please visit:
