More-Recipes provides a platform for users to share the awesome and exciting recipe ideas they have invented or learnt. Suppose a user comes up with a recipe, he/she can post it on More-Recipes and get feedback in form of reviews and votes from other users who explore that recipe. Users can also keep a list of their favorite recipes on the application.
The API documentation is here
- Users can create account by signing up
- Users can login to access their own accounts
- Users can get all recipes
- Users can add recipes
- Users can update their own recipes
- Users can delete their own recipes
- Users can add review to recipes
- Users can favourite a recipe
- Users can get all their fsvourite recipes
- Users can upvote a recipe
- Users can downvote a recipe
- NodeJs
- ExpressJs
- Postgresql
- Sequelize ORM
- Bootstrap 4
- Install Nodejs and postgresql
- clone the repository with this command on your command line interface or bash
> git clone
- change into the project directory with the following command
> cd more-recipes
- install all required dependencies by running the following command
> npm install
- Migrate your databse schema using
npm run migrate
- To start the application run
npm run start:dev
- Create a test database and name it more-recipes-test
- run this command
npm run test
- Users can only create account once with their username and email
- Users can login and obtain a token which is verified on every request
- Users will have to obtain a fresh token after 24 hours when their session has expired
- Users will only be able to access the full application functionalities only if they are logged in
Fork this repository to your github account
Clone the repository
Create your feature branch
git checkout -b {feature, chore or bug}-short_feature_desscription by following this convention <story type>/<story id>/<3-4 word story description>
Commit your changes
git commit -m “{commit_message_goes_here}“
or git commit for the interactive interface by followimng this convention<type>(<scope>): <subject>``<BLANK LINE> <body> <BLANK LINE> <footer>
Eg:chore(save-the-world): save the world save the world one line of code at a time [Start #234] or [Finishes #234]
Push to the remote branch
git push origin {your_branch_name_as_described_above}
Open a pull request by following this convention
<story-id> story description
Eg:#869522144 Build HQ for meetings
Pull Request should be written in this format
The description should contain the following headings and the related content:
Ayobami Adelakun
This is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the MIT LICENSE