
Python command line utility wrappers for Whispercpp and other speech-to-text utilities

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python command line utility wrappers for Whispercpp and other speech-to-text utilities


This is mainly a set of useful scripts to automate Whispercpp processing, including:

  • Automatic conversion of any video or audio format ffmpeg supports to the WAV format Whispercpp needs.
  • Conversion of the transcripts to CSV, SRT, TXT, VTT and WTS (karaoke subtitles).


  1. You need to have a working executable version of whisper.cpp, you can either place that in the root of this repo as whispercpp or give the path using the -w flag
  2. Place your models in the models folder. By default audio2text.py will look for ggml-large.bin in the models folder. You can also use the -m flag to give a path to the model.
  3. ffmpeg is required and should be somewhere in your $PATH
  4. You might want to make a virtual environment and then install the requirements.txt, e.g.
python -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt



To convert the given berliner.ogg file in the test directory to a CSV file (note that you don't need to give an extension)

./audio2text.py -i test/berliner.ogg -o test/berliner -of csv

If you want multiple output formats you can separate them by comma

./audio2text.py -i test/berliner.ogg -o test/berliner -of srt,txt

When giving the argument all to the -of/--output-format flag all Whisper-supported formats will be written

./audio2text.py -i test/berliner.ogg -o test/berliner -of all

To prevent duplication of all possible command line options for whisper.cpp you can use the -wa / --whisper-args flag to pass extra command line options to the whisper.cpp executable:

./audio2text.py -i test/berliner.ogg -o test/berliner -of csv -wa="--threads 8"

You can also use the -u/--url flag to give an URL to a MP3 file (or any other audio format ffmpeg supports). This will be downloaded to the tmp directory.

./audio2text.py -u https://www.bykr.org/test/berliner.mp3

To enable logging to a file use the -lf/--log-file flag, optionally combined with the -v/--verbose flag:

./audio2text.py -u https://www.bykr.org/test/berliner.mp3 -v -lf log.txt

To write all files and the log file to a non-existing directory you can use the -od/--output-directory flag:

./audio2text.py -u https://www.bykr.org/test/berliner.mp3 -of all -o out/text -v -lf out/log.log -od out


Converts SRT files to JSON, CSV and TXT using dataknead.

./srtparse.py -i test/berliner.srt -o test/berliner.csv


If you add the -v (verbose) flag audio2text will give much more debug information.

All options

You'll get this when doing audio2text.py -h

usage: audio2text.py [-h] [-di] [-i INPUT] [-l LANGUAGE] [-lf LOG_FILE]
                     [-m MODEL_PATH] [-o OUTPUT] [-od OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
                     [-of OUTPUT_FORMAT] [-kt] [-u URL] [-v] [-w WHISPER_PATH]
                     [-wa WHISPER_ARGS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -di, --diarize        Diarize audio (only works for natural stereo audio)
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Audio file to transcribe, anything that ffmpeg
                        supports will work
  -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        Language of audio file, if not given Whisper will try
                        to autodetect this
  -lf LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
                        Log messages to a logging file with this path, will
                        fail if the directory does not exist (use --od to
                        prevent that)
  -m MODEL_PATH, --model-path MODEL_PATH
                        Path to model you want to use for transcribing
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path to output file, you don't need to give an
                        When giving this argument, a directory will be created
                        before all other commands are run
  -of OUTPUT_FORMAT, --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        Output format, when giving 'all', all formats will be
  -kt, --keep-temp-files
                        Keep temporary files after transcribing (default is to
                        remove them)
  -u URL, --url URL     Give a URL to an audio file to download (e.g. mp3)
  -v, --verbose         Print debug information
  -w WHISPER_PATH, --whisper-path WHISPER_PATH
                        Path to the Whisper executable (defaults to
  -wa WHISPER_ARGS, --whisper-args WHISPER_ARGS
                        Give a string of extra parameters to give to the
                        whisper executable


MIT © Hay Kranen