Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::DAV - Simple DAV server for Mojolicious
use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin( 'Directory::DAV', root => "/path/to/htdocs" )->start;
> perl -Mojo -E 'a->plugin("Directory::DAV", root => "/path/to/htdocs")->start' daemon
Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::DAV is Simple DAV server for Mojolicious.
inspired by Plack::App::Direcotry.
Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::DAV inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory.
Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::DAV supports the following options.
# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin "Directory::DAV" => { root => "/path/to/htdocs" };
Document root directory. Defaults to the current directory.
same as Plack::App::DAV CONFIGURATION.
with Git
# in server > mkdir myrepo.git && myrepo.git > git init --bare > git update-server-info > perl -Mojo -E 'a->plugin("Directory::DAV")->start' daemon # in client > git clone myrepo > cd myrepo > echo 'hello world' > README > git add . > git commit -m 'initial commit' > git push origin master
** When using old version of git, 'git pull' command may fail. **
** I have confirmed the success of 'git pull' by git- or later. **
with Mac OSX Finder
After start server, connect with a Guest-User.
** Windows "Network Place" unsupported. **
and more
hayajo <>
Plack::App::DAV, Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.