
waveshare electronics


Package product


Test can refer to test.ts


For reference, please refer to our user manual. Chinese wiki: English wiki:

If you find that there are many places to change, such as the function name changed you can find the answer here, Or contact us

1.Initiation: You need to initial LCD module first.

block: LCD1IN8 Init. javascript: LCD_initialize()

2.Clear the screen: Clear the screen to white. Create an buffer on RAM with the resolution size 160*128 and initial it to white.

block: Clear Clear screen and cache. javascript: LCD_initialize()

3.Set the backlight:

block: Set back light level. javascript: LCD_backlightLevel()

4.Send display data: With this block, it will send one frame of buffer to the LCD and display. Note: it is always following drawing operation.

block: Send display data. javascript: LCD_display()

5.Send widows display data: Sometimes it is not necessary to refresh the entire screen data, only need to display part of the window data.

block: Send widows display data. javascript: LCD_displayWindow()

6.Clear screen and cache:

block: Clear screen and cache. javascript: LCD_clear()

7.Fill the full screen color: block: Filling Color. javascript: LCD_filling()

8.Draw point: Place the block before send display data. You can choose the position, color and size. For the screen, (1,1) is on top-left, and (160,128) is on bottom-right There are tow way to set the color, the one is use the color block as above, another is to set the value (RGB565) by drag the slider.

block: Draw Point. javascript: drawPoint()

9.Draw line: You can choose the the line's position, color, size and its sytle.

block: Draw Line. javascript: drawLine()

10.Draw rectange:

block: Draw Rectange. javascript: drawRectangle()

11.Draw Circle:

block: Draw Circle. javascript: drawCircle()

12.Show String:

block: Show String. javascript: drawString()

13.Show number:

block: Show number. javascript: drawNumber()

#More parameters can be found in test.ts for a detailed understanding.



Supported targets

  • for PXT/microbit (The metadata above is needed for package search.)