
A simple php script help you automatically update a database from sheets ( Goolge Sheets) to MySQL

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple php script help you automatically update tables (MYSQL) from sheets (Goolge Sheets)

sample problems

You have a sheet on google sheets


You have a associated table in SQL database

database table

When you edit sheet, you want changes will be updated to table on database Mysql


For a table, you must:

Step 1 : Ensure name of column headers on sheet are field names on table. If it's wrong, you must rename it.

Step 2 : Publish sheet as csv and get access link. On google sheets, Access menu File >> Publish to the webs

  1. select sheet
  2. select publish format is .csv
  3. press publish
  4. copy link.

publish sheet as csv

Step 3 : just write code Create new a file named demo.php

	include "googlesheets_mysql_bridge/googlesheets_mysql_bridge.php";

	$bridge = new GoogleSheetsMySQLBridge();
	$bridge->setMYSQLAccess('localhost', 'root', '', 'gmbdemo');
				'from_csv' => 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JFhllpCTTBOz9e4Y_HeYkCiK-Z3w2cZM9gZ7eoGblVw/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv',
				'to_table' => 'apps',
				'sync_type'=> 'delete_and_insert'

Step 4 : run code to sync.

Example: You release the web on domain http://localhost/gmbdemo. Then you just open link http://localhost/gmbdemo/demo.php on browser, you get result:

result table

You can check output

result output