

Introduction to K8S

  • What is Kubernetes
  • K8S Architecture
  • Main K8s Components
  • Minikube and Kubectl
  • Main Kubectl commands & K8s CLI
  • K8S yaml

Advanced Concepts

  • K8s Namespaces
  • K8s Ingress
  • Helm -> Package Manager
  • Volumes
  • K8S Stateful Set
  • K8S Services

What Kubernetes is?

Open source container orchestration tool Helps you manage containerized applications

Trend from Monolith to Microservices

  • High Availability or no downtime
  • Scalability or high performance
  • Disaster recovery backup and restore

Kubernetes Components


  • Worker Node VM or


  • Smallest unit of K8s
  • Abstraction over container
  • Usually 1 application per pod
  • Each pod gets its own IP address (New IP address on re-creation)

You only interact with kubernetes layer


  • Permanent IP adress (pod own its service - even if pod dies service is up)


  • Service's external access point


  • external configuration of your application (dont put sensitive info use secret)


  • like as config map
  • used to store secret data
  • base64 encoded

The built-in security mechanism is not enabled by default


  • storage on local machine (node)
  • or remote, outside of the k8s cluster

K8s doesn't manage data persistance



  • for STATEFUL apps or databases
  • mongod mysql etc.

DB are often hosted outside of k8s cluster

Kubernetes Architecture

  • each Node has multiple Pods on it
  • 3 processes must be installed on every node
  • worker nodes do the actual work

Worker machine (3 processes)

  1. container runtime
  2. kubelet - interacts with both the container and node
  3. kube-proxy - low overhead communication - smart network

Managing processes are done by Master Nodes

Master machine (4 processes)

  1. api server - (cluster gateway) (acts as a gatekeeper for authentication)
  2. scheduler - scheduler just decides on which node new pod should be scheduled
  3. controller manager - detect cluster state changes
  4. etcd - key value store of a cluster state - clusterbrain

Minikube and Kubectl

Layers of abstraction

  • Deployment manages a
  • ReplicaSet manages a
  • Pod is an abstraction of
  • containers

Kubernetes Config YAML

3 parts

  1. metadata
  2. specification
  3. status (desired and actual state) (created by kubernetes)

Where does K8S gets the actual status

  • etcd store them

kubectl get pod -o wide

get status kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml

Kubernetes Namespaces

  • Organise resources in namespaces
  • Virtual cluster inside a cluster

4 Namespaces per default

kubectl get namespaces

  1. kube-system
    • do not create or modify in kube-system
    • system processes
    • master and kubectl processes
  2. kube-public
    • publicely accesible data
    • a configmap, which contains cluster information
    • kubectl cluster-info

  3. kube-node-lease
    • heartbeats of nodes
    • each node lease object in namespace
    • determines the availability of a node
  4. default

Why to use namespaces?

  • no overview :(
  • resources grouped in namespaces (database, montioring, elastic stack kibana etc., nginx-ingress)
  • should not use smaller projects

avoid such kind of conflicts team namespaces

  • staging development namespaces

  • both use elastic and database namespace

  • Blue/Green Deployment (with same resources, no need to seperate)

  • access and resource limits on namespaces

  • ProjectA and ProjectB namespaces isolated environment

  • Limit CPU, RAM, Storage per NS (Resource quota A, B)


  • you cant use ProjectA configmap inside ProjectB

  • you should create for each

  • on database namespace mysql-service for instance configmap definition is mysql-service.database (database is a namespace)

  • volume can't be craeted within a namespace

kubens for changing namespaces (kubectx)


  • my-app-pod -> my-app-service (external IP, not final product)-> my-app-ingress (domain name)

  • You need an implementation for Ingress -> Ingress Controller (Ingress Controller Pod)

  • many-third party implementations? K8s Nginx Ingress Controller - inside k8s

  • ProxyServer ---> Ingress Controller Pod

  • add two rules for subdomains etc.mydomain something.mydomain

  • add two paths for to serve on same domain mydomain/etc mydomain/something

  • configuring TLS certificate

  • spec tls and secretName secret refet secret-tls in kubernetes tls certificate base64encoded cert and key