
112.1【資工系】CS2022301 數位系統設計 Digital System Design Project03 State Minimization

Primary LanguageC++


資訊工程系 二年級 乙班 張皓鈞 B11030202


  • GNU GCC/Clang with C++14 supported
  • CMake >= 3.18
  • Make or Ninja build tool

MSVC(Microsoft Visual C++) may be supported, but not tested


Use CMake to build the program

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .


Usage: ./state_minimization <input_kiss> <output_kiss> <output_dot> [--debug]


./state_minimization ./input.kiss ./output.kiss ./output.dot

Test platform



Darwin haodeMacBook-Pro.local 23.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.1.0: Mon Oct  9 21:28:12 PDT 2023; root:xnu-10002.41.9~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64

Apple Clang

Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)
Target: arm64-apple-darwin23.1.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin


cmake version 3.26.4



Graphviz dot

dot - graphviz version 9.0.0 (20230911.1827)

Test case


Input kiss

.i 1
.o 1
.p 14
.s 7
.r a
0 a b 0
1 a c 0
0 b d 0
1 b e 0
0 c f 0
1 c a 0
0 d h 0
1 d g 0
0 e b 1
1 e c 0
0 f d 0
1 f e 0
0 g f 1
1 g a 0
0 h h 0
1 h a 1

Input dot

digraph STG {

	INIT [shape=point];
	a [label="a"];
	b [label="b"];
	c [label="c"];
	d [label="d"];
	e [label="e"];
	f [label="f"];
	h [label="h"];
	g [label="g"];

	INIT -> a;
	a -> b [label="0/0"];
	a -> c [label="1/0"];
	b -> d [label="0/0"];
	b -> e [label="1/0"];
	c -> f [label="0/0"];
	c -> a [label="1/0"];
	d -> h [label="0/0"];
	d -> g [label="1/0"];
	e -> b [label="0/1"];
	e -> c [label="1/0"];
	f -> d [label="0/0"];
	f -> e [label="1/0"];
	h -> h [label="0/0"];
	h -> a [label="1/1"];
	g -> f [label="0/1"];
	g -> a [label="1/0"];

Input PNG


Output kiss

.i 1
.o 1
.p 10
.s 5
.r a
0 a b 0
1 a a 0
0 b d 0
1 b e 0
0 d h 0
1 d e 0
0 e b 1
1 e a 0
0 h h 0
1 h a 1

Output dot

digraph STG {

	INIT [shape=point];
	a [label="a"];
	b [label="b"];
	d [label="d"];
	e [label="e"];
	h [label="h"];

	INIT -> a;
	a -> b [label="0/0"];
	a -> a [label="1/0"];
	b -> d [label="0/0"];
	b -> e [label="1/0"];
	d -> h [label="0/0"];
	d -> e [label="1/0"];
	e -> b [label="0/1"];
	e -> a [label="1/0"];
	h -> h [label="0/0"];
	h -> a [label="1/1"];

Output PNG
