Green City is a complaints management system designed to address the challenges of garbage and sewage management in urban areas. The system provides a user-friendly platform for residents to report issues related to garbage collection, sewage blockages, and other related problems. This platform can be accessed via the web or mobile devices, and allows users to provide detailed information about their complaints, including location, time of occurrence, and severity of the issue. Once a complaint has been registered, it is then assigned to an employee responsible for addressing the issue. The employee can use the system to track the complaint. This feedback is sent to the user via email, keeping them informed about the progress of their complaint. Green City helps to promote a cleaner and greener urban environment by providing a centralized platform for residents to report and track issues related to garbage and sewage. By identifying and resolving these issues, the system can help to reduce pollution and improve the overall health and wellbeing of residents. Furthermore, by addressing the root causes of these problems, Green City can help to create a more sustainable future for cities. Overall, Green City is a valuable tool for municipalities and local governments looking to improve their garbage and sewage management systems. By providing an efficient and effective means of addressing complaints, the system can help to create a cleaner and more sustainable urban environment, improving the quality of life for residents and promoting economic development.
Django Framework
1. Install the packages - pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Run the Commands
(change the directory where the exists)
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
Admin Login
username: admin
password: admin
Employee Dashboard
Click the link to see the project live link
This Project was designed and developed by Sivaraj-P😎