
Simple static page generator built using vanilla Go and written to be simple to understand.

Primary LanguageGo


Simple static page generator built using vanilla Go and written to be simple to understand.


Build the binary and run on a single file, producing input_file.html.

go build
# Add the ssg binary to PATH
cd path/to/files
touch header_template footer_template
ssg input_file

Optionally, use the -o argument to manually specify the output file.

cd path/to/files
touch header_template footer_template
ssg input_file -o output_file



Source files for pages are written in plain text, and store only two types of information: text content, and element metadata. Text content is specified as text, and unless otherwise stated is always present in the document in some way; on the other hand, element metadata is only present in the source file, and usually indicates an element which contains more than text. For instance, compare a paragraph with an image.

Here is some text which will be included as a paragraph in the generated page.
@image path/to/image Here is a caption for the image.

While the paragraph simply contains the text of the paragraph, the image includes the metadata for which image to include. Generally, any line beginning with an "@" symbol contains some form of metadata, which may be followed by some amount of text content.


# Paragraph
Here is a paragraph.

Code, copies contents of a file into the HTML <code> element, including line numbers within in a <samp> element.

# Code
@code path/to/code
@include path/to/code

Image, inserts HTML <figure> containing a sourced image, with the caption written within a <figcaption> element.

# Image
@img path/to/image Here is a caption for the image.
@image path/to/image Here is a caption for the image.

Header, <h2>.

# Header
@section Here is a header for a section of the page.
@segment Here is a header for a segment of the page.

List, inserts a <ul> containing the line for each line in the specified file.

# List
@list path/to/list

Formatting Rules

Pages generated are formatted using an opinionated formatter which enforces the following rules:

  1. No lines with no content.