
Static Voronoi diagram simulation using SDL

Primary LanguageC++


A Voronoi pattern simulation written in C++ using SDL2 for rendering.



To compile this program, run:

g++ *.cpp -lSDL2 -Wall -o voronoi

If the above command errors, ensure that SDL2/SDL.h is within your include path, and that the SDL2 libraries were successfully located.



Wait for some time, since the simulation is computed on a single thread with poor efficiency.


  • Running the simulation on multiple threads in parallel could yield improvements render time
  • CUDA / GPU-acceleration is another option for improving performance via parallel processing
  • setColorToNearestSpecial is called for each pixel ("Cell") on the canvas and iterates through each marked ("special") Cell
    • Much of the processing time is spent within this function; optimizing this function in particular could entail massive performance gains