
Performant logistic regression in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


Performant logistic regression in Go.


  • func New(learningRate float64) *Model
  • func NewL2Regularized(learningRate, l2Parameter float64) *Model
  • Model
    • Weights []float64
    • Bias float64
    • func (mdl *Model) TrainBatch(inputs [][]float64, outputs []float64, epochs int)
    • func (mdl *Model) TrainMiniBatch(inputs [][]float64, outputs []float64, epochs, batchSize int)
    • func (mdl *Model) TrainSGD(inputs [][]float64, outputs []float64, epochs int)
    • func (mdl *Model) Train(input []float64, output float64)
    • func (mdl *Model) Predict(input []float64) float64
  • func Marshal(mdl *Model) ([]byte, error)
  • func Unmarshal(data []byte) (*Model, error)


  • All output values used as training parameters should be 0 or 1.
  • Predict returns the probability, not 0 or 1.
  • Input standardization is always performed.
  • l2Parameter should be between 0 (no regularization) and 1 (full regularization).