
Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is a boilerplate for a Next.js project with Cloudflare Pages, D1, and Drizzle ORM.

Getting Started

  1. Create a new project on Github using this template
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine
  3. Install the dependencies using npm install
  4. Create a D1 database
  5. Rename .env.example to .env and set the environment variables
  6. Rename wrangler.toml.example to wrangler.toml and set the environment variables
  7. Modify the package.json file with your database name
  "scripts": {
    "db:migrate:local": "wrangler d1 migrations apply my-database-name --local",
    "db:migrate:preview": "wrangler d1 migrations apply --env preview my-preview-database-name --remote",
    "db:migrate:prod": "wrangler d1 migrations apply my-database-name --remote"
  1. Generate db migration files
pnpm db:generate
  1. Run db migrations
  • local db: pnpm db:migrate:local
  • preview db: pnpm db:migrate:preview
  • production db: pnpm db:migrate:prod
  1. View the database using drizzle studio
  • local db: pnpm db:studio:local
  • preview (remote) db: pnpm db:studio:preview
  • production (remote) db: pnpm db:studio:prod

Running the app

  • Run the app in development mode
pnpm dev
  • Run the app in cloudflare pages locally
pnpm pages:dev

Deploying to Cloudflare

  • Deploy to production environment
pnpm pages:deploy
  • Deploy to preview environment
pnpm pages:deploy:preview