Plateo is an application where users can follow and create conversations based on license plates, hence the name. Have you ever wondered if the person on the side of the road needed help or if they were okay? Or did you want to let the person ahead of you know that their gas cap was open, or they have a burnt out taillight? Or tell the cute guy or girl next to you to pull over for an ice cream at the next McDonalds? Not only do these conversations in the app allow people to communicate on the road but also allow local authorities to monitor driving behavior. Users could report or comment on a license plate saying the person's driving was bad or spot a drunk driver or someone texting and driving. I built this application using Angular (4+), Bootstrap, Auth0, Node.js, Express, and Mongo DB.
node server
C:\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\Mongod.exe - if errors occur run this file then do cmd: mongo