
Automated trading of digital assets.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Automated trading of digital assets. Based on Hayden Wade's "5% Strategy". Happy Trading!

Supported Exchanges

  • Binance.US


  • npm install
  • Create ./.env based on the ./.example.env file. Keys can be generate under account settings for each exchange.
  • Configure your trades in index.js, can have 1 to many of the below code blocks. All trade configs must have unique id
//example trading config
const ltcTradeConfig = {
    id: 1,
    delayDurationMs: 1000 * 60 * 15, // 15 min
    asset: 'LTC',
    baseCurrency: 'USD',
    assetBasePair: 'LTCUSD',
    quantity: 25, //quantity of asset aka number of coins
    percentAboveBuyPriceToSellAt: 0.05, //if buy price is $100/coin then a limit order to sell will be for $105/coin
    percentUnderMarketValueToBuyAt: 0.02, //if market price is $100/coin then a limit order to buy at will be for $98/coin
setInterval(()=>main(ltcTradeConfig), ltcTradeConfig.delayDurationMs);


  • npm run start
  • Or debug with VS Code F5