Code base for The site includes Alexa Flash Briefing Content Manager(BCM) and a virtual assistant (aka chatbot) that allows for manual intervention via twilio sms. BCM is integrated with Amazon Cloud Services (S3 bucket), Auth0 for authentication.
Backend for this site is built with node.js and can be found here: hayden-wade-api
docker build . -t hw-dot-com
docker run --name hw-dot-com -p 3000:80 hw-dot-com
docker build . -t haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com
docker tag haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com:v2.0.1
docker tag haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com:latest
docker push haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com:v2.0.1
docker push haydenwade/hayden-wade-dot-com:latest
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d