

This is [FLINK SQL Cookbook on Zeppelin] created for learning FLINK more conveniently

more infomation about Zeppelin refer to [http://zeppelin.apache.org/]


1. Step 1, clone this project

git clone https://github.com/zjffdu/flink-sql-cookbook-on-zeppelin.git

2. Step 2, install Flink 1.12.1

set $FLINK_HOME environment variable to the path of the uncompressed path

download website: https://flink.apache.org/downloads.html

3. Step 3, compile Flink faker

compile and cope flink-faker-0.2.0.jar file to Flink's lib directory download website: https://github.com/knaufk/flink-faker/

git clone https://github.com/knaufk/flink-faker/
cd flink-facker

// compile
mvn clean package

// copy jar file
cp ./target/flink-faker-0.2.0.jar $FLINK_HOME/lib

// check if copied success
ls $FLINK_HOME/lib

4. Step 4, Running,

// start 
docker-compose up -d

// stop
docker-compose stop

after finished above visit http://localhost:8080/ and set FLINK_HOME to /flink in setting -> Interpreters -> search flink
then restart flink interpreter and begin test flink jobs ...