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[Question] Integration with websocket (partykit)
#1302 opened by emroot - 8
Idea: input types with built-in transform
#1290 opened by macrozone - 0
Cannot get PrismaTypes in the schema when running the build with npm run start (, pothos, prisma and graphql-yoga)
#1289 opened by LorenzoJokhan - 3
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Smart subscription async subscribe
#1286 opened by rawb1 - 4
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Latest plugin-prisma-utils not published on NPM
#1262 opened by OllieJennings - 8
Nullable typescript issue on prisma plugin
#1277 opened by emroot - 0
Merging schema results in infinite loop in v4. (RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at mergeDeep (/Users/*/node_modules/@graphql-tools/utils/cjs/mergeDeep.js:5:19))
#1276 opened by alnorris - 11
Prisma plugin failing on call to builder.prismaObject()
#1190 opened by ad6025b - 4
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[BUG Replay plugin] PothosValidationError: Invalid global ID: RXN0YXRlOjRlYTk5YmYxLTA3MTktNDNkZi04ZTZkLWM4MjA1YjE5MGNhZQ%3D%3D
#1273 opened by arnaud-deprez - 0
[Question] Extract query creation to generic method
#1268 opened by agabidullin - 2
Build inputs with auth
#1260 opened by homerjam - 2
Prisma Utils plugin does not have createMany option
#1256 opened by SpeedySH - 6
prisma list of enums TS bug
#1255 opened by SpeedySH - 6
Default nullability in printed schemas is true
#1254 opened by cedeerwe - 2
Adding fields to @pothos/plugin-relay's `Node` interface
#1252 opened by ewen-lbh - 1
After V4 update ts(2322) on InputObjectRef type
#1250 opened by SpeedySH - 3
Sentry tracing plugin no longer obeys ignoreError option
#1244 opened by kingston - 1
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Indirect prisma relations has type errors.
#1184 opened by charleslai2000 - 2
[Prisma plugin] Required field should be non-nullable automatically unless we override it
#1234 opened by vimutti77 - 2
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[Simple Objects Plugin] Simple Interfaces fail to implement other interfaces
#1238 opened by austin-statsig - 2
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Setting auth scope based on a returned type
#1187 opened by nickabate - 1
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DataLoader missing fields using v4
#1236 opened by kansson - 2
Sentry tracing not showing the field name in description
#1186 opened by mmahalwy - 2
`withAuth` and `authScopes` don't combine
#1192 opened by GauBen - 5
Pothos subscriptionField + withFilter are breaking the type inference of subscription arguments
#1196 opened by zeuscronos - 2
How to support HMR with Pothos
#1199 opened by AndrewIngram - 0
Please review this pr adding progressive override to your federation plugin
#1202 opened by RomKadria - 2
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Got error `Module '"xxx/node_modules/@pothos/plugin-prisma/generated"' has no default export` after upgrading to `4.0.0`
#1233 opened by vimutti77 - 1
v4 generates empty Prisma types
#1235 opened by half0wl - 1
Directives are not visible in the scheme
#1231 opened by SpeedySH - 2
validation plugin: Setting errormap on zod
#1226 opened by ewen-lbh - 1
Draft new release for `@pothos/tracing-sentry`
#1212 opened by ptondereau - 2
Add support to graphql@16.8.2+
#1222 opened by shadoworion - 3
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Pitfall when calling a schema locally from another schema using auth scopes
#1207 opened by macrozone - 2
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loadableGroup load/group seems to infer the wrong type
#1200 opened by KaisSalha - 2
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