
Inferring 3D structure from 2D graphs.

Primary LanguagePython

Roof World (+ GUI)

Inferring 3D structure from 2D graphs.

Gif showing how the gui works. The user draws a 2D representation of a gable roof (a roof where two rectangles meet), and runs prediction. The prediction is a 3D matplotlib plot that looks like the roof of a house.


# python >= 3.10
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the GUI and interact with the model

python gui.py

Basic GUI Usage:

  • Left click to add a point
  • Right click on a point to start drawing a line, Right click on another point to connect them
  • Press p on your keyboard to run prediction and produce a 3D plot showing the probability of each point being a "high point"

Other useful features:

  • Left click on a point to toggle black/orange color (orange represents a high point, black represents "all other points") for creating training data
  • CTRL-z: Undo
  • ESCAPE: Quit "line drawing" mode
  • c: (C)lear all points and lines
  • s: (S)ave the current state to the saved/ directory
  • b: (B)ackground toggle (turn the graph paper on or off, useful for taking screenshots)
  • d: (D)ump internal state to the console, showing the predicate logic representation

Estimate cross-validation performance

The saved/ directory contains 20 building layouts. Running estimate_performance.py estimates 5-fold cross-validation for predicting whether a point is a high point.

python estimate_performance.py

Other useful features

Finding points and lines in an image with Hough transform

A satellite-view image of a house with a main portion and a wing on the left side. The house has been segmented, so it lies in a white plane.

python find_lines.py docs/one_roof.png