
Patterns and algorithms for a healthier user experience

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Patterns and algorithms for healthier user experiences

Pseudo and real code when possible. Quantify whenever possible (e.g. 3 beeps, not 2, not 4 and pref none).

Describe why and how an anti-pattern doesn't work.

Attention pollution. Design outside of the confines of the object - it exists in many contexts. e.g. airline app used both casually at home and urgently while in line.

Good video on debouncing. Shows 7 different approaches with code. Includes oscilloscope traces for what is going on electrically.


  • Notifiers

    • Sounds
    • typical frequencies and durations=
      • examples
      • algorithms
    • Haptic vibrations
      • typical frequencies and durations
      • examples
      • algorithms
    • Visual
      • use of red/yellow/green
      • cultural differences
    • Are there patterns to what makes something annoying across domains?
  • General for now:

    • Ambiguity when control has 2 states (which is on?)
    • moving a ui element as user trys to select
    • algorithms for pointer movement
    • palm cancellation
    • reflow around user obscuring the screen (like thumb over content)
    • snapping a dragged component to an alignment object (how does dragging a window to the side and having it snap there work?)
  • Naming and language (maybe out of scope? maybe is it's own thing?)

    • other languages not only read right to left they process right to left e.g. the next arrow should point left, not right.
    • word research. Let's say I want to name my product or feature "cinq". How do people pronounce it? Is it a real word? Does it mean something in another language
    • slang and idiom checking for docs
    • Google's domain name finder is a useful tool for that context and gives lots of AI like insights.
  • Urgency patterns

  • Thresholds

    • simple smoothing algos such as kalman
    • dealing with absolute cutoffs (e.g. the slot is 100mm wide vs we only accept 100mm wide items)
  • Chart of typical times and durations

    • Ex: startle and recover
    • Ex: how many questions in a row with "ok" as the answer everytime
    • holding dragged items over another item before it "opens". Like dragging files to a new folder - how long to wait on hover before expanding target? what constitutes intention?
    • how is hover intent determined? can you move mouse 1 pixel and the timer doesn't change?
  • Time and dates

    • friendly times
    • intention to specifics, e.g. what does "set an alarm for 11" translate to?
  • Large stuff:

    • UX flow for signup/login/forgot with business conditionals
  • Breakdowns and analysis of good vs OK design. Maybe some bad design where it should have been good but didn't work for reason X.

  • Unpatent:

    • Area where users can document an idea so as to disclose and establish prior art
  • Mechanical: