Welcome to Course Picker!
To visit Picker: picker.mit.edu
To learn more about this code base, click the Wiki link.
For any questions related to Picker: please email course-picker@lists.csail.mit.edu.
For any questions related to the code itself, please contact Quanquan (quanquan at mit.edu)
Changing Semesters:
Under 'Scripts', change the following fields in config.js:
- term = 'SP' if Spring or term = 'FA' if Fall
- current_year = '2016' if it is currently 2016 or the semester falls in 2016
- current_term_facet = 'Fall' if Fall or 'Spring' if Spring
- last_date = 'YYYYMMDD' of last date of semester
- first_date = 'YYYY-MM-DDT' of first date of semester
- hknreviewyear = 'f2015' if fall 2015 is the most recently reviewed semester
Happy picking!