
How to use the ESP32S2 mini LOLIN WEMOS Mini

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How to use the ESP32S2 mini LOLIN WEMOS Mini


Because it has no power LED or Serial Converter to eat up power Because it breaks out a lot of IO pins Because it is cheap and simple


Open framework.ino Create credentials.h #Loading code the first time: In board manager select LOLIN s2 Mini USB CDC on boot: ENABLE PSRAM Enabled

Press and hold Button 0, press and release RST, release Button 0 Port will appear Select port and download framework.ino


GP00 is button GP15 is LED_BUILTIN Deep sleep current with regulator is 40uA at 5v Current with wifi is about 100mA Analog Vref is 1.1V pinputs https://www.studiopieters.nl/esp32-s2/