
A project by James Moore taken in GraphQL for beginners with JavaScript course

Primary LanguageCSS

##Follow the procedure:

Before running the project please install PostgreSQL 10 or above.

If you're a Windows 10 user there might be an issue with encoding check if it's relative to you the troubleshooting might be to open a config file:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\VERSION\data\postgresql.conf changing the lc_messages value of Russian_Ukraine.1251 to en_EN. utf-8

Next, open a Windows Environment variables and add the following line to PATH

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\YOUR_CURRENT_VERSION\bin

Change values in METHOD column to trust provided you're under development mode

C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/YOUR_CURRENT_VERSION/data/pg_hba.conf

Run psql and reload your config. Alternatively if you're a Windows user go to a control panel, open services and restart a postgresql service itself

select pg_reload_conf();

Use "postgres" username to enter to a postgresql CLI once you run psql and then your password would be the password you specified during PostgreSQL installation. If you're going to create your own account, type the command:

create role USERNAME login superuser;

Mind! All commands should be closed with semicolon! Enter the line to create a new password for your just created account:

\password USERNAME;

You won't be able to use your account if you haven't created a new database:

create database USERNAME;

The PostgreSQL command to list existing databases


Open Terminal and then go to server directly. Initialize a project database npm run initdb