
A short introduction into AWS Lambda

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A short introduction into AWS Lambda

A set commands for deployment:

  • npm install
  • Create an AWS account
  • Sign in to AWS, create a new IAM user getting a key and secret;

type in a console:

in case a new project is needed: sls -t aws-nodejs

Configure your credentials: sls config credentials -p aws -k <key> - s <secret> -n <IAMuser>

If -n flag is used as specified above you have to configure serverless.yml. Add "profile" property in provider with a name of your user: profile: <username> Mind indentations!

Once everything is configured, execute the following command: sls deploy

By the end of the process you will get a link looking like this: https://somehash.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/rank?rank=7

If it happens you need to run it in the console: sls invoke --function <name>

To remove the function from aws servers: sls remove --app <name>