
The project is taken from The Ultimate Docker Course. It mainly teaches how to Dockerize a project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

To proceed with a project deployment, please download Docker Desktop. Once downloaded install it to your PC.

Open PowerShell executing the following command:

docker-composer -v

if you get an error add an absolute path to docker-composer into the PATH environment variable. Press WIN + S, type env and select Edit the system environment variables

Installing dependencies

Open ./backend directory as you finished do exactly the same in ./frontend, install dependencies:

npm install

Alternatively if you don't want changes to be live meaning everything you change in your local directory would be automatically changed in a container you therefore need to open docker-compose.yml and delete volumes: with a parameter - ./backend:/app or - ./frontend:/app accordingly. Otherwise it may break a deployment.

Docker Composer

Assuming you're in the root directory of the project in PowerShell

docker-composer -f docker-compose.yml build

provided you need to rebuild images from scratch, enter

docker-composer -f docker-compose.yml build --no-cache

if you get an error add docker-composer into the PATH environment variable. Press WIN + S, type env and select Edit the system environment variables

Run containers

docker-compose up

Stop and remove containers

docker-compose down

Run containers in a detached mode

docker-compose up -d

Run containers in interactive mode

docker exec -it #containerID sh

Run/Stop containers selectively

docker start/stop #containerID

Delete Images

docker rmi $(docker image ls -aq)

Delete Images Forcefully

docker rmi -f $(docker image ls -aq)

List all containers

docker ps -a

List all images

docker images


docker logs #containerID