
Puppet manifests ect..

Primary LanguagePHP


Just a simple development environment using puppet manifests to install:

  • Nginx
  • PHP5 (FPM)
  • Composer
  • MySQL w/ PHP Extension
  • MongoDB w/ PHP Extension


$ git clone https://github.com/hazbo/DevelopmentEnvi.git project
$ cd project
$ vagrant up

Depends on Virtualbox and Vagrant.

I'm trying to think of new ways to make setting up a development environment really easy so you can just get on with the actual code. The current setup seems to work really well with Laravel, so I have added a feature that pulls down the latest version, configures it and has you up and running in seconds.


Now allows you to install frameworks out of the box, that work with this setup very well. To do so for either Laravel or Code Igniter you can ssh into your new box:

$ vagrant ssh

And run the following commands:

  • For Laravel

    $ laravelinstall
  • For Code Igniter

    $ codeigniterinstall

Once you have done that, (in this example with our Vagrantfile forwarding port 80 to 4567) all you need to do is locate to http://localhost:4567 in your browser. Done!

For Laravel, there is a configuration file located at /vagrant/src/public/application/config/application.php which already has the pre-configured URL using port 4567. If you need to change this in your Vagrant setup, you may need to do so here too.


  • Improve directory structure for different types of configuration files that are for frameworks or applications ect..
  • Automate the way frameworks are installed and configured with a database.
  • Add more PHP frameworks e.g. Symfony, CI, Yii ect..
  • Once user first SSHd into the box, remove a lock file that will not prompt with initial configuration options.


Please feel free to contribute to this project. I'm no expert in this particular subject myself, it's just a fun project for me to work on and I'd appreciate any of your thoughts or help.