
mechanization for livelits paper, https://github.com/hazelgrove/livelits-paper

Primary LanguageAgdaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is the mechanization of our ongoing work on livelits. The starting point is the dynamics developed in our in our POPL19 paper, mechanized here. This mechanization is paired with this paper, which is to appear at to PLDI21.

How To Check These Proofs

These proofs are known to check under Agda version 2.6.1. The most direct, if perhaps not the easiest, option to check the proofs is to install that version of Agda or one compatible with it, download the code in this repo, and run agda all.agda at your command line.

Alternatively, we have provided a Docker file to make it easier to build that environment and check the proofs. Note that this only checks the proofs in 2.6.1-1build1 because that is the most recent version available via apt-get at the time of writing of this README; more recent versions of Agda have been released, but they don't differ in ways that are material to this work and greatly increase the complexity and time it takes to check the proofs in a containerized environment.

To use the Dockerfile, first install Docker, make sure the Docker daemon is running, and clone this repository to your local machine. Then, at a command line inside that clone, run

docker build -t hazel-livelit .

The first time you run this it may take a fair amount of time as Docker installs Agda on top of a base Ubuntu image (something like 200 sec), but subsequent runs after small changes to the Agda files will be much faster. When it finishes, run

docker run hazel-livelit

This should take less than a minute, produce a line of output per agda file as Agda checks each module, and then exit without producing an error.

Note that the docker build command copies the files from your host machine into the virtual one, so if you modify them and then just rerun the docker run command without rerunning docker build, you will be checking stale files.

Example output of each of these two steps is shown here, although the exact output may differ on your machine slightly:

pldi@bruce Desktop % git clone git@github.com:hazelgrove/hazelnut-livelits-agda.git
Cloning into 'hazelnut-livelits-agda'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 168, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (168/168), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (98/98), done.
remote: Total 2246 (delta 102), reused 117 (delta 70), pack-reused 2078
Receiving objects: 100% (2246/2246), 498.71 KiB | 3.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1560/1560), done.
pldi@bruce Desktop % cd hazelnut-livelits-agda
pldi@bruce hazelnut-livelits-agda % docker build -t hazel-livelit .
[+] Building 150.7s (10/10) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                     0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 452B                                                                                     0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                        0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                          0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/ubuntu:groovy                                                         1.1s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                        0.0s
 => => transferring context: 6.31kB                                                                                      0.0s
 => [1/5] FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:groovy@sha256:37586e1b9bab0a851b639c9102b002475987c336fa3433fa01b6abf98dfdc2a7   0.0s
 => CACHED [2/5] RUN apt-get -qy update                                                                                  0.0s
 => [3/5] RUN apt-get -qy install agda=2.6.1-1build1                                                                   125.7s
 => [4/5] COPY . .                                                                                                       0.1s
 => [5/5] RUN ["rm", "-f", "*.agdai"]                                                                                    0.4s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                  23.1s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                 23.1s
 => => writing image sha256:1b3b91eb0e74ebfdec236b799e73c5e3940bb99b7d5530f0f83610d67354aee6                             0.0s
 => => naming to docker.io/library/hazel-livelit                                                                         0.0s
pldi@bruce hazelnut-livelits-agda % docker run hazel-livelit
Checking all (/all.agda).
 Checking Nat (/Nat.agda).
  Checking Prelude (/Prelude.agda).
 Checking List (/List.agda).
 Checking contexts (/contexts.agda).
 Checking core (/core.agda).
 Checking lemmas-gcomplete (/lemmas-gcomplete.agda).
 Checking disjointness (/disjointness.agda).
  Checking lemmas-disjointness (/lemmas-disjointness.agda).
  Checking dom-eq (/dom-eq.agda).
 Checking holes-disjoint-checks (/holes-disjoint-checks.agda).
 Checking lemmas-freshness (/lemmas-freshness.agda).
 Checking finality (/finality.agda).
  Checking progress-checks (/progress-checks.agda).
   Checking lemmas-consistency (/lemmas-consistency.agda).
   Checking type-assignment-unicity (/type-assignment-unicity.agda).
   Checking lemmas-progress-checks (/lemmas-progress-checks.agda).
 Checking focus-formation (/focus-formation.agda).
 Checking ground-decidable (/ground-decidable.agda).
 Checking grounding (/grounding.agda).
 Checking lemmas-subst-ta (/lemmas-subst-ta.agda).
  Checking weakening (/weakening.agda).
   Checking exchange (/exchange.agda).
   Checking lemmas-freshG (/lemmas-freshG.agda).
  Checking binders-disjoint-checks (/binders-disjoint-checks.agda).
 Checking typ-dec (/typ-dec.agda).
 Checking lemmas-ground (/lemmas-ground.agda).
 Checking lemmas-matching (/lemmas-matching.agda).
 Checking synth-unicity (/synth-unicity.agda).
 Checking elaborability (/elaborability.agda).
 Checking elaboration-generality (/elaboration-generality.agda).
 Checking elaboration-unicity (/elaboration-unicity.agda).
 Checking typed-elaboration (/typed-elaboration.agda).
 Checking canonical-boxed-forms (/canonical-boxed-forms.agda).
  Checking canonical-value-forms (/canonical-value-forms.agda).
 Checking canonical-indeterminate-forms (/canonical-indeterminate-forms.agda).
 Checking preservation (/preservation.agda).
 Checking progress (/progress.agda).
 Checking cast-inert (/cast-inert.agda).
  Checking lemmas-complete (/lemmas-complete.agda).
 Checking complete-elaboration (/complete-elaboration.agda).
 Checking complete-preservation (/complete-preservation.agda).
 Checking complete-progress (/complete-progress.agda).
 Checking contraction (/contraction.agda).
 Checking continuity (/continuity.agda).
 Checking typed-expansion (/typed-expansion.agda).
 Checking lemmas-freevars (/lemmas-freevars.agda).
 Checking livelit-reasoning-principles (/livelit-reasoning-principles.agda).
pldi@bruce hazelnut-livelits-agda %

Editing These Proofs

Instructions for setting up agda-mode for emacs can be found here. This is, roughly speaking, the canonical way to view and edit Agda programs.

Most text editors that support Agda can be configured to use the version instead a Docker container instead of your host machine, so you can experiment with or evolve this code without making too much of a mess. For some example instructions, see the docker-agda repo.

How To Connect The Paper To This Mechanization

Generally, files are named after the theorems that they prove. In particular, the theorems, figures, and definitions mentioned explicitly in Section 4 can be found as follows:

  • The contents of Figure 4 can be found in core.agda:7-107. Note that the notation for product types in the mechanization is rather than × and that sums and recursive types are not present in the mechanization. It would be straightforward to add them, but doing so would only make the mechanization larger not more instructive so we have omitted them here. Sums and recursive types are included in the paper since they would be required to encode the syntax in the language in the standard way; in the mechanization we instead postulate that such an encoding exists to be able to state the rules that mention it without proving anything about it explictly.

  • Theorem 4.1, "Typed Elaboration", is proven in typed-elaboration.agda.

  • Theorem 4.2, "Preservation", is proven in preservation.agda. d final is given at core.agda:536-538 and d1 ⇓ d2 is given at core.agda:859-860.

  • The contents of Figure 5 can be found in core.agda:903-973.

  • Definition 4.3, "Livelit Context Well-Formedness", is given in a functional style rather than a declarative one at core.agda:880-889.

  • The rule EApLiveLit discussed at length in Section 4.2.2 is given by SPEApLivelit at core.agda:947-956.

  • Theorem 4.4, "Typed Expansion", is proven in typed-expansion.agda.

Note that, as stated in the paper, the theorems and definitions past Theorem 4.4 are not currently mechanized.

all.agda acts a bit like an ad hoc Makefile in that it imports every other file in the repository; running agda all.agda and not getting any errors shows that everything checks as written.

Files with names that begin with lemma- generally contain lemmas and helper theorems that, while true and required, are more technical in nature than particularly interesting. Prelude.agda contains shorthand and idiomatic notation specific to this development; List.agda and Nat.agda are similar but define the standard types for lists and unary naturals. This was done to avoid dependency on a particular version of any one standard library or another, since the things we need are modest.