
An example of a Clean Architecture approach in an ASP.NET Core Web API project, leveraging Dapper as the ORM and MySQL as the database.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core, Dapper, and MySQL

A simple Todo App API used as an example of a Clean Architecture approach in an ASP.NET Core, leveraging Dapper as the ORM and MySQL as the database.

🚀 Features

  • Clean Architecture: Clear separation of concerns with four main layers: API, Application, Domain, and Infrastructure.
  • Dapper ORM: Flexible and fast micro ORM.
  • MySQL: Robust open-source relational database.
  • CQRS with MediatR: Command Query Responsibility Segregation to clearly differentiate read and write actions.
  • Docker-Compose: Easily containerize the application for consistent development and deployment experiences.

📚 Project Structure

  • API Layer: Entry point of the application. Contains the ASP.NET Core Web API setup, controllers, and DI configuration.
  • Application Layer: Houses the application's business logic, DTOs, interfaces, and application-specific services. Contains MediatR commands and queries.
  • Domain Layer: Core layer of the project. Contains all the domain entities, value objects, domain events, and domain services.
  • Infrastructure Layer: Deals with the external concerns, data access, and other integrations. Contains the Dapper ORM configurations and repository implementations.

🐋 Docker-Compose

This project includes a docker-compose.yml file to help you containerize your application. This simplifies setup, especially for contributors who want to run the project without manually configuring external dependencies like MySQL.

Running with Docker

Ensure you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed. Then:

docker-compose up --build

This will build the required images and start the containers. Once running, you can access the API typically at http://localhost:<port>.

🌱 Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/nekomatadev/clean-architecture-demo.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd path-to-project-directory
  1. Use Docker-Compose to run the application:
docker-compose up --build

📜 License