PyDy ===== A Python library for studying dynamics. 0. Download ----------- $ git clone git:// 1. Documentation and usage -------------------------- This is a work in progress. Much more will be added here as the project matures. Eventually, the project will have a Google code project page, either within the Sympy page or a stand alone, separate project page. 2. Project goals ---------------- To allow for easy manipulation of three-dimensional vectors for the purpose of deriving equations of motion. In particular, PyDy is designed to implement Kane's method for forming the equations of motion. Numerical integration of the equations of motion are provided by scipy.integrate.odeint. PyDy has builtin functionality that allows for easy animation of reference frames, points, rigid bodies and particles. 3. Installation --------------- PyDy requires sympy for its symbolic manipulation. You can clone the sympy git repository by typing: $ git clone git:// Then, install sympy by: $ python install See for more installation options. You can also just download the binary files from, these should work just fine. Next, clone the PyDy repository by: $ git clone git:// System wide install: $ python install To install in your own special folder, use the --home option: $ python install --home=~/usr 4. Running Tests ----------------- Currently, we use nose to test all of PyDy's functionality: $ nosetests This runs all the files in the ./tests folder