Exodia Finance Subgraph V2

A major refactor from the old subgraph


Updating this subgraph code and redeploying is required when any of the following occurs:

  • New tokens are added to the treasury with prices not previously tracked
  • New bonds are deployed which contain new tokens with prices not previously tracked

New tokens will be priced as $0 if they are not added to the price tracking See list of tokens tracked

Adding new tokens to track price

  1. Add new priceMap object to priceMaps array in src/utils/priceMap.ts
	class  PriceMap {
		name:  string // name of token to track
		tokenAddress:  string // address of token to track
		isExod:  boolean // token to track is EXOD
		iswsExod:  boolean // token to track is wsEXOD
		isStable:  boolean // token to track is a stable coin
		isOracle:  boolean // token price is fetched from an oracle
		isUniLp:  boolean // token price is fetched from a uni lp token/stablecoin pair
		isWeightedPool2:  boolean // token price is fetched from a balancer token/stable pool
		isUniLpToken:  boolean // token to track is a uni lp token
		isBptToken:  boolean // token to track is a balancer pool token
		contractAddress:  string // address of contract to fetch token price from i.e oracle, uni lp, weighted pool

	export  const  priceMaps:  PriceMap[] = [
			name:  "EXOD",
			tokenAddress:  "0x3b57f3FeAaF1e8254ec680275Ee6E7727C7413c7",
			isExod:  true,
			iswsExod:  false,
			isStable:  false,
			isOracle:  false,
			isUniLp:  false,
			isWeightedPool2:  false,
			isUniLpToken:  false,
			isBptToken:  false,
			contractAddress:  "",
		// Add new token to track price here
  1. Deploy new subgraph by grafting from block number where the new token was added. see deploy subgraph with graft
  2. Update README.md to add new tokens tracked to the list

Adding new bonds

  1. Update subgraph.yaml to include new bond
#Template Bond
-  kind:  ethereum
	name:  TokenBond  #1. change to name of new bond
	network:  fantom
	address:  "0x39086c3E5979d6F0aB0a54e3135D6e3eDD53c395"  #2. change to contract address of new bond
	abi:  Bond
	startBlock:  29523359  #3. change to block number when bond was deployed
		kind:  ethereum/events
		apiVersion:  0.0.5
		language:  wasm/assemblyscript
			-  BondCreated
			-  name:  TreasuryTracker
				file:  ./abis/TreasuryTracker.json
			-  name:  CirculatingSupply
				file:  ./abis/CirculatingSupply.json
			-  name:  EXODERC20
				file:  ./abis/EXODERC20.json
			-  name:  UniswapV2Pair
				file:  ./abis/UniswapV2Pair.json
			-  name:  SEXODERC20
				file:  ./abis/SEXODERC20.json
			-  name:  ExodStaking
				file:  ./abis/ExodStaking.json
			-  name:  ERC20
				file:  ./abis/ERC20.json
			-  name:  BalancerVault
				file:  ./abis/BalancerVault.json
			-  name:  WeightedPool
				file:  ./abis/WeightedPool.json
			-  name:  PriceOracle
				file:  ./abis/PriceOracle.json
			-  name:  WeightedPool2
				file:  ./abis/WeightedPool2.json
			-  name:  WSEXODERC20
				file:  ./abis/WSEXODERC20.json
			-  name:  Bond
				file:  ./abis/Bond.json
			-  event:  BondCreated(uint256,indexed uint256,indexed uint256,indexed uint256)
				handler:  handleBondCreated
		file:  ./src/mappings/bonds/TokenBond.ts  #4. change to location of mapping file
  1. Add new mapping to src/mappings/bonds. copy paste the contents of src/mappings/bonds/TEMPLATEBOND.ts into the new mapping file. No need to change anything.
import { BondCreated } from  '../../../generated/DAIBond/Bond'
import { updateBond } from  '../../entitites/Bond'
import { createBondDeposit } from  '../../entitites/BondDeposit'

export  function  handleBondCreated(bond:  BondCreated):  void {
	updateBond(bond, createBondDeposit(bond))
  1. Add new tokens to track price. see how to add new tokens to track price
  2. Deploy new subgraph by grafting from block number where the new token was added. see deploy subgraph with graft
  3. Update README.md to add any new tokens tracked into the list below

Deploy subgraph with grafting

  1. in subgraph.yaml: i. change graft base to current subgraph ID ii. change graft block to desired block number
specVersion:  0.0.2
	base:  QmXorDQbyYadWx94gog7cvcBSV5gwcmSYqeubHcyYdiT71
	block:  30018645
	file:  ./schema.graphql

Token Prices Tracked

  • EXOD
  • wsEXOD
  • DAI
  • USDC
  • MAI
  • FTM
  • gOHM
  • fBEETS
  • EXODDAI Uni LP pair
  • The Monolith BPT token