Evaluate a News Article with Natural Language Processing

This project is a part of Udacity's Advanced Front End Nanodegree Program and its main goals are to help learning the following:

  • Setting up Webpack
  • Sass styles
  • Webpack Loaders and Plugins
  • Creating layouts and page design
  • Service workers
  • Using APIs and creating requests to external urls

This project requires to build a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites.

Basically, it will provide help in classifying the information available in the article, like whether the content is subjective (opinion) or objective (fact-based) and whether it is positive, neutral, or negative in tone.

NLP is a subset of AI that provides computers ability to process or interact with natural human speech. In NLP, machine learning and deep learning are used on massive amounts of data to obtain the rules and understanding of nuance in human speech.

In order to complete this projects, the bellow stages were followed:

  1. Getting Started - Setting up the Project - installing all the neccessary dependencies.
  2. Setting up the API - I have used MeaningCloud Sentiment Analysis API
    1. Sign up for an API key
    2. Set the Environment Variables
    3. Using the API accordingly to the official documentation
  3. Project Enhancement
  4. Unit Testing using Jest Framework
  5. Adding Service Workers
  6. Project Deployment on Netlify or Heroku