
Partial forked from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/ioscrashlogstool/SVN/ioscrashlogstool-SVN

Primary LanguageC

This tool allows for quick and easy desymbolication of ios crashes on windows with fixes by Boyan Spasov.

Feature highlights:
  • Batch desymbolication
  • "Analyze inlined subroutines" option, which shows info about the the inlined functions in the callstack
  • No mac required

New changelog:

  • Fix symbolicating crashes that have main module that is not first in the Binary Images list. This fixes crashes from Unity in particular (thanks to Yaroslav Kovtun)
  • fix incorrect colorization for non json crashlogs
  • added support for apple's new json crash format
  • 64bit executable
  • partial support for DWARF3 and DWARF4
  • fixed file and line numbers not showing on crashes where DWARF3 or DWARF4 are used in the dsym
  • fixed analyze inlined subroutines now wokring on crashes where DWARF3 or DWARF4 are used in the dsym

Useful Links

  • DWARF4 standard pdf - Useful to double check stuff
  • pyelftools library - well written and maintained Python library that can be used to double check how to properly parse the DWARF format
  • DWEX - python based tool to view DWARF files (e.g. to check a dsym's structure). Useful when debugging the parsing

Old Original changelog:

v1.2.2.1 changes (work in progress):

  • iOS8 support (plugins/widgets)

v1.2.1.4 changes:

  • fixed issue with incorrect LEB128 for some values

v1.2.1.3 changes:

v1.2.1.2 changes:

  • possible to symbolicate "Last Exception Backtrace"
  • sha-256 of section "__text"
  • bugfix

v1.2.1.1 changes:

  • add possible to batch symbolicate
  • fixed extension ".ips"

v1.2.1.0 changes:

  • add analize of inlined subroutine
  • add extension ".ips" as extension of crash
  • fix bug in case find last of Debug Entry Info or Compile Unit in table

v1.2.0.7 changes:

  • fix issue with wrong number of code line ( note v1.2.0.6: returns previous line from table of lines )

v1.2.0.6 (beta2) changes:

  • support of numbers of code lines ( ex.: main.m:3) for x86 and x64
  • fixed crash on Mach-O object with x64 arch
  • fixed symbolicating DyLibs.
  • fixed crash on adding already existing object

v1.2.0.6 (beta) changes:

  • add dependency information about executable (.app) in MachO tab
  • add information about Numbers of code lines (now is beta version of functionality).
  • add search in tree of Application, Crash Logs and dSYMs.
  • bugfix

v1.2.0.5 changes:

  • bugfix