
A TypeScriptToLua plugin that in-lines image imports

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A TypeScriptToLua plugin that in-lines image imports.

How to use

Add the plugin

yarn add -D love-inline-import
# or npm install -D love-inline-import

Register the plugin in your tsconfig.json

  "tstl": {
    "luaPlugins": [
      { "name": "love-inline-import" }

Tell TypeScript that a png import returns an Image type

// add this ambient code to a file within your project
// this tells TypeScript that imports ending with .png
// are expected to return an image type
declare module "*.png" {
  import { Image } from "love.graphics";
  const image: Image;
  export = image;

And you're good to go! Here's some sample input and output code

import * as player from "./player.png";

love.draw = () => {
local player = love.graphics.newImage(...) -- ... is generated and contains image data

love.draw = function()


  • Allows images to be stored in your source directory
  • Image resolution is handled on compilation